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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Saturday, November 30, 2002

My bear was >$1!

Now you know how Screwed Up someone is.

National Education and our "heritage" are contrived and hyped.

Hey I didn't get to say anything about religion!

If no one (or at least not SOMEONE) noticed, my crappy post last week was a not-so-subtle parody :)

Love's overrated. The way popular culture is so obsessed with it, how the zeitgeist consists so much of it... Morbid. Indecent. >95% of modern music is about love. But do they really love? From what people do, I doubt they are really in love. The societal obsession corrupts them, and then they seek love, and rant, sing and write about it, perpetuating a vicious circle. And in the end, after countless relationships, they know no more about love than a certain someone here.

The ODAC girl probably thought you were sexually stalking her. Eek.

Missed yest's and today's forum and papers will be cancelled when parents are overseas. What letters did you all send in? Through train?

Oh no! Surveys! I think I'll do them just to piss people off. Here goes:

stuff I keep on my bed:
Camp bed: 2 pillows
Home bed: Blue Bear, 2 pillows. Some books/Economist sometimes
I'm a spartan kind of guy.

stuff I keep on my nightstand:
Nothing. All on the floor. Wallet, watch, handphone maybe.

CDs that are in easy reach at all times:
Own few. I use my mp3 collection.

stuff that I do every morning:
Camp: Go to toilet, brush (sometimes), change and go for breakfast if I'm feeling up to it and don't want to sleep more, come back, do area cleaning, go to the Medical Centre/roll call
Home: Go to toilet. Pretty much it - rest of the day's free and easy

stuff that I put on my face every morning: nothing

stuff that I have in my handbag [NB: This is such a girl-y survey. Notice the questions]: Book(s), Economist, tissue paper, keys, water bottle, charger, ubiquitous pen, notebook and paper, thermometer + red pen (for work)

story behind my username(s):
gssq = Gabriel Seah Shu Qi

story behind my nicknames:
Kimberly = The Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from 1993-1995
Agagooga = A codeword for and part of Mrs Lim Yau's secret name

longest time i've stayed out of the country/where:
Plaak? 2 weeks?
The Island of Doom (Pulau Tekong)? 12 1/2 days? I don't consider it part of the country.

one thing i'm grateful for today:
Blue Bear is still with me after 16 years

favorite high school memory:
Screaming my lungs out

dream wedding:
None. I support cohabitation.

favorite quote:

my first heartbreak happened when i was...:

school picture buried in my bottom drawer:
Don't bother to go see.

weird preferences:
Plenty. More than you could name *mysteriously* None that come to mind readily. Pity.

one thing I'll never understand about the opposite sex:
Why they are so screwed up (See How Girls Waste Time)

TV character I'd most want to be:
See Origins of my nick

would like to be a guest on...:
Power Rangers In Space

weird sleeping habits:
Sleeping on my stomach?

summer plans for 2003?:
Continue as PES C9L2 ;)

favorite song right now :
None. The last one was Faure's Pavane iirc

line from any song :
Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saculum in favilla:
Teste David cum Sibylla.

Quantus tremor est futurus.
Quando judex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus!

disney songs known by heart:
A few. But Disney's GROSSLY overrated.

dream house:
A cubicle ;)

favorite pair of shoes:
The A$199 Adidas one I got in Australia.

first five things I'd splurge on if I was a billionaire:
A Byzantine mosaic for my house, funky computer stuff, gold bound edition of Gibbon's Decline And Fall (?)

weirdest/funniest nickname anyone has ever called me:
Emperor Penguin. Supposedly contributed by the Humanz classes in RJ 1 year below me

three favorite cartoon characters right at this second:
Gargamel from the Smurfs, Skeletor from He-Man, the girl from F3

magazines I read on a regular basis:
The Economist

nine things I wear daily:
None, really.

eight movies I'd watch over and over :
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: the Movie, Conman in Tokyo...

seven albums that matter:
None that I can name

six things I touch everyday:
This is a dumb question. I'm getting disgruntled. How about: a mandrake, girls' knickers, day old elephant dung, ambrosia, pigs' trotters and the Kabaa?

five things I do everyday :
Communicate with the phone/handphone, read, do weird eccentric stuff

four bands that I couldn't live without :
I hate bands.

two people that have influenced my life the most:
My sister. Tim?

one thing I could spend the rest of my life with:
Blue Bear

yesterday I...:
Booked out at 4:30pm. Yeah. And bought $45 of pirated CDs, for the first time in a long time. Since last Dec even.

today I...:
Covered my battalion run at East Coast.

tomorrow I will...:
Play Age of Wonders 2

five snacks I enjoy:
Cadbury's Creme Eggs, Kettle Herb and Spice Flavour, Ben & Jerry's Heath Bar Crunch, Spring Rolls

things I can't live without:
Blue Bear, a computer, intellectual stimulation, talking to people et al

my top five guilty pleasures:
Stroking Blue Bear's paw, giggling hysterically, blogging overmuch. Erm.

top locations I want to run away to:
Somewhere where I won't be a slave. And with no Halal food.

Gooo esther Go!
: )
even though I only spoke to you once, thanks for responding in the Straits Times forum and expressing views I share as well.


Friday, November 29, 2002

I don't feel a thing,
and I've stopped remembering.
Days are just like moments turned to hours. - Cowboy Bebop - Seatbelts - Rain

Yes its raining here... rain leads me to think of other things. Laura for one, my childhood for another. Kinda thought about how when I was young, while holding my little umbrella, the wind seemed to lift me off my feet, and rain like a pleasant shower, a gentle caress, only telling me to stop playing, that it was late, that it was time to go home.

I don't hear a sound,
Silent faces in the crowd. --- Rain

Growing older, the rain's no longer gentle. Cold, hard, wet droplets, hitting me, the wind, whipping my hair, blowing my clothes away. Can I still dance in the rain? Can I tell myself to stop growing, to love everything that you see now, to close your eyes to the rest of the world, that its just you, and the world, and me, and the world. And always, an elder beside, and always, holding an umbrella.

Seems weird that we all fight to hold our own umbrellas.

Seems weird that I'm no longer blown away by the wind when I'm holding one.

Maybe its because my heart grew heavy.

Walk... in the rain... in the rain... in the rain
am I right, or am I wrong,
And is it here that I belong.
for some reason, I think of home --- Rain

I don't know why... just instinctively dislike certain girls.

We all do. We all do.

Suddenly tired. Fatigued.

Koshun Takami wrote battle royale. I'll look for it at kino.

stuff I keep on my bed
1 bolster, 4 pillows 1 quilt.

Don't own a nightstand. My desk's too near.

CDs that are in easy reach at all times
I don't own many CDs. Probably the Windows XP reinstall CD. the rest I all copy to my harddisk.

Stuff I do every morning.
Brush teeth, pee, eat breakfast, grab clothes, slump on bed with clothes. wake up 5 mins later, wash and wear.

Stuff I put on my face.
Moisturizer if I'm feeling happy.

I don't own a handbag.
but I do own a sling bag.
it has a camera, 2 rolls of film, change of clothes, pencil box + calc, tissues, flu medicine,

story behind my username.
Downhere came about because I got it off a web form when I signed up.. that said please enter your username down here. I was rather dumb and pressed enter by accident. So it kinda stuck.

Purple rain came by cos I liked a chinese song by the same name, and I liked purple.

Flowerpower came because I wanted a name that sounded female and deadly, so I'd have a psychological advantage in Counterstrike. I seem to lose more often playing as Downhere.

Longest time I've stayed out of the country/where
Taiwan for 9 days this year I think. Loads of fun. Especially all the nice taiwanese that you meet, and all the little taiwan foodstalls on the side of the road.

One thing I'm grateful for today
The sun rose.

Favourite high school memory
too many memories. it depends on who I'm thinking of at the moment.

Dream Wedding
Me and wife, and family and friends, a large dinner in a big hall. we'll share one table, aka Harry Potter like. And just loads of food, and chatting and walking around.
then we'll be off overseas! screw all the ceremonies.

Favourite quote?
de2 yi4 wang4 xing2 ...

First hearbreak happened when I was...
5. Some girl called Joanne went to a different class. We were together together I think. But I switched to the PAP downstairs, instead of the one across the road. or something.

School Pictures are filed up nicely. none of them are burried.
The one I hate though, was probably the one taken at OBS. bunch of ..... idiots all on my group.

One thing I'll never understand about the opposite sex.
Why they keep getting attracted to the weirdos.

TV character I'd most want to be.
The shi1 ye2 in The Advisor. He's called Mo Bairen. Intelligent, witty, and funny. And his life is so exciting.

Guest on...
Zhen3 Jiu4 Pin2 Qiong2 Da4 Zuo4 Zhan4... I'd like to be one of the guests that just comment and eat.

Weird sleeping habits.
I'd sleep instantly when I flop into bed, but I can't sleep if I prepare to sleep.. like drink a nice glass of milk, and put a bottle of water next to me, and switch on the aircon etc.

summer plans for 2003
Go to the beach... sip a drink, and start mugging.

Fave song right now
Shi Jie Mo Ri - Zhou Jie Lun

Line from any song
"Wo1 ai4 shang4 mo3 yi2 ge4 ren3... ai2 mo3 yi2 zhong1 ti3 wen1"

Disney songs known by heart
Kiss the girl, Under the sea - Little Mermaid Colours of the wind - Pocahontas

Dream house
The house in Winter Sonata. The house that the girl built in her dreams, and the guy built for real.

Favourite Pair of shoes
Rockport sneakers I got from Japan. They lasted really long.

First five things I'd splurge on if I was a billionaire
I don't splurge.
But I'll get a nice digital camera, a nice workstation, a music studio (well soundproofed) a nice dinner with my girlfriend, and a homecooked dinner (by me!) with all the ingredients I'd want to put in, but could never afford. Oh and a nice japanese styled house. That's six I think.

Weirdest/funniest nickname anyone has ever called me.
Katie gurl

Three Favourite cartoon characters right at this second
Calvin, Hobbes, and Dream

Magazines I read on a regular basis
Ikea, Newsweek. I'd read the economist and FEER and FHM and Herworld/cleo/the rest if I had the money.

Nine things I wear daily
Specs, handphone, clothes, hanky, camera.

Eight Movies I'd watch over and over.
Battle Royale
Moulin Rouge

Seven albums.
Anything by Jay Chou
and Faye Wong

Six things I touch.
myself. toothbrush, computer,

Five things
surf, think, eat, drink.

Don't like bands.

Dreamless last night.
Has she abandoned me?
Where has she gone???
Or has she been reborn?
Is she in this game?
This game that toys with my feelings and emotions and senses.
I sense the dark, creeping over my soul.
I sense the starlight, fighting to keep me free.
But I am both.
And I am neither.
And she is not.

Probably gonna have dinner tonight with the rest of the interns. Hopefully. How does one love? Or know who to love? What if you love someone imperfect, and the absolutely perfect person falls into your life. You're stuck! If you ditch the person you love, and love someone else, you might end up with nothing. Nothing guarantees that she'll love you back.

Watched Battle Royale. Some nagging questions. If only the show was longer, and the backstory deeper. Maybe I should go read a translation of the book version. If it exists.

Hey everyone! My friends have all been passing the survey below, around. It's rather interesting...would you all like to do it too? =) It took me quite long to fill it in though.

Random survey (the super long one that all my friends are doing, let's spread the love of surveys!)

stuff I keep on my bed
2 pillows to sleep on, one to hug, two more little ones to cuddle, one big bolster to cuddle, one small bolster to craddle, a TY unicorn called 'Raffles', gabriel's christmas $1 bear, Richard's
Sasha AC blue-bow $50 bear, one big comforter to keep me warm, a cup of water on the bed head always, a diary to jot down dreams and such at the bedhead too, my handphone(so that if I wake up with bad dreams i can sms), my housephone (just in case 'weird' friends call
too late at night), an alarm clock at the bedhead too that plays weird international songs, sometimes I just strew old clothes and hangers on the bed too...and myself.

stuff I keep on my nightstand
No nightstand lah. If it's the little tables around my bed then, a pretty porcelein lamp with the lady called "alice" on it, a lacy prague table cloth that the exchange students gave me, lots of porcelein boxes of hair accessories, combs, brushes, stacks of notes in disarray, perfume of all sorts, deodorant, cosmetics,
moisturisers, hand cream, candles, countless keepsakes...

CDs that are in easy reach at all times
Er. None. They are all over the place. Oops.

stuff that I do every morning
Want to know my morning routine? Wake up, silence the alarm clock, brush teeth, splash face with water, bathe, wash face, tie hair, put purfume, put face cream, eat breakfast, read a bit, get out of house.

stuff that I put on my face every morning
that day-cream lor.

stuff that I have in my handbag
tissue paper, a pad, my wallet, a pen, usually my diary, handphone

story behind my username
Ariella = Ariel (little mermaid) + la. Aurora from the sleeping beauty. Arielly a derivation of Ariella. Zepetiteone = the petite one (self explanatory!!!)

longest time i've stayed out of the country/where
USA!!!! =) Sec 3 school trip for 2-3 weeks. HEAVEN I tell you! All along the eastern side! From state to state! Woohoo!!!

one thing i'm grateful for today
that so many people pontang the math test that even if i fail they prob wouldn't notice?

favorite high school memory
every memory i spend with the ones i love is special in it's own way...

dream wedding a church, wearing a beautiful long white flowing gown, with my love with me... and friends gathering to wish me goodbye, lots of roses everywhere...
maybe my choir friends singing for us...=)

favorite quote
none. changes from time to time.

my first heartbreak happened when i was...
6... when my "boyfriend" in kindergarten started hanging out more with another girl =P

school picture buried in my bottom drawer
one really horrible choir photo that I looked horrible in.

weird preferences
can't think of any.

one thing I'll never understand about the opposite sex
why God made them so infinitely horny. and why they are always falling for girls who they would never marry.

TV character I'd most want to be
NONE. They are mostly too stupid.

would like to be a guest on...
i'd like to be a guest IN some palace

weird sleeping habits
Pretending that the pillows are someone to that weird?

summer plans for 2003?
......probably mugging for As...but knowing myself... probably slacking too

favorite song right now
Too many... carols and jazz all mixed in my head.

line from any song
"Heaven...I'm in heaven...and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak..."

disney songs known by heart
Practically all. Especially the old ones from Cinderella and Snow White and Sleeping Beauty and The little Mermaid.

dream house
A castle.

favorite pair of shoes
My pretty white prom shoes that I can never wear on the street. they are too white, too dainty and the heels are too high.

first five things I'd splurge on if I was a billionaire
Charities and scholarships to poor kids, dream castle, grandpiano/harp, magnificent library, all the concerts and musicals in the world

weirdest/funniest nickname anyone has ever called me
Liz-hen, from my chinese name lizhen.

three favorite cartoon characters right at this second
Sleeping beauty, bubbles, all the ponies in "my little pony"

magazines I read on a regular basis
Time. The Swarovski crystal mag...

nine things I wear daily
spectacles, ring, crucifix, hair accessory, nightgown, bra, panties, clothes, shoes

eight movies I'd watch over and over
NOTHING. I'd be scarred for life if I were to watch stuff over and over and over and over and over and over and over(x10000toinfinity) again...

seven albums that matter
...I don't go by of my photo albums perhaps? =)

six things I touch everyday
my handphone, myself, my spectacles, my water glass, my hairbrush, my computer

five things I do everyday
Read, chat to some friend on phone/online, say "I love you" to yechao, listen to the radio, sleep

four bands that I couldn't live without
I could live without any. I just got to sing myself a song.

two people that have influenced my life the most
Gabriel (unfortunately) and joel.

one thing I could spend the rest of my life with

yesterday I...
was horrified at the attendence at the math test, the math test, and wanted to run away from the math test

today I...
just looked at the clock which says 12:51 am. I shall go to church later at 7 pm.

tomorrow I will...
bum around and think

five snacks I enjoy
ice-cream, jell-o, black jelly, takopachi, english/french pasties

things I can't live without
love and music and books

my top five guilty pleasures
admiring myself in the mirror... going for hair washes at salons... fantasizing (ahem)... flirting... ice-cream...

top locations I want to run away to
Faeryland, heaven, New York, Tokyo, Ireland, Anywhere with a rich culture, dreamland...goodnite

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
whatever you wish for you keep

Have faith in your dreams and some day
A rainbow will come shining through.
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true...
(a present from the mice from Cinderella)

About National Education:
I'm proud of the fact that Singapore managed to come such a long way, and how hardworking the pioneers were. Perhaps proud of the fact that Singapore can be so successful and all...but there are a lot of things that I'm not proud of either. Like the un-graciousness and close-minded views, or pigeon-toad in well kinda attitudes of some Singaporeans.

What heritage can we talk about....
Hrm... not much. All the Sang Nile Utama and Raffles stories that everyone of us have heard of perhaps. But I think that Singapore's beauty is in its diversity. The fact that we can have so many races of different heritage living together. Even though the different traditional cultures are eroding as we americanize or whatever you wanna call it, it's still something to be proud of that we can live harmoniously (or most of us anyway)
Heritage may be important in a country, for example the japs may be proud of their many wars and battles fought or the british may be proud of their long scandalous royal family lines, but I think that it is not essential in making one love one's country...

What do we actually own? Well, if I were to take the philosophical stance, I'd probably say that I don't own anything at all except myself =)
If you're talking about what does Singapore own...Singapore owns it's citizens perhaps?

What have we done that's unique? On a superficial level, I guess I'd say create a food wonderland and stuff like yu sheng and that mixed food salad thingey (argh, brain not working in the morning, can't even remember what it's called)
I think that our education system is rather unique ;) Though it was taken from many other countries and reformated, it still became unique in the end.
Sure, that article about Singapore not being able to win any nobel-prizes and everything...but what did they expect with a population of 4 million and such a young country? It takes time...

Falling in love with someone is so difficult.

I think I'll fall in love with a dream.

And may my dream come true.

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

paid to think about National Education.
So I shall. Here.

What exactly are we proud of?
What heritage can we talk about?
What things do we actually own?
What have we done that's unique in the world?

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

jealousy-- i think, when he/she is a -thing- to have, like a car or something. life's comforts, type.
and when you dont trust the other person, and when you lack confidence in yourself to deserve this person, and confidence in your mutual love.

i think attachment with an 'outsider' would make little impact on a mature relationship, when both are comfortable and confident in each other.

i think love needs maintenance. novelty, in a way.
to add to the actual bond that youre so used to.
not that you wouldnt love without it, i think humans just need to be reminded often.

perhaps it was a shallow sort of attraction at first, or a passionate, romeo et juliet type, that made them marry.
something something lightning. cant remember.

thoughts. iron sharpens iron, and i am -very- sure they can replicate.
i think its really cool when two or more similar minds crash. sparks. zzp.

future. i feel... that i define my future. that more or less, its coded in my dna, what kind of person i am, what kind of person i will become. more or less, this defines what i want and how i achieve it-- ambition, strength, skill.
yeah. cliched, but its -my- future.

perhaps many people have 'broken spirits'-- very detachedly, i think thats cos its their temperament to yield and conform. not bother too much about trying, y'know.
i hope my spirit will never break. that, at least, is really up to me. takes a lot of effort though, perhaps i wont make it.
i hope ya'll do.


I like laura fygi's voice... try and download her version if possible. Haven't heard the rest though.

Good morning, Heartache

Good morning heartache
You old gloomy sight
Good morning heartache
Thought we'd said goodbye last night

I tossed and turned until it seemed you had gone
But here you are with the dawn
Wish I'd forget you, but you're here to stay
It seems I'd met you
When my love went away
Now everyday I start by saying to you
Good morning heartache what's new

Stop haunting me now
Can't shake you no how
Just leave me alone
I've got those Monday blues
Straight through Sunday blues

Good morning heartache
Here we go again
Good morning heartache
You're the one
Who knew me when
Might as well get used to you hanging around
Good morning heartache
Sit down

Monday, November 25, 2002

Has everybody said their piece? Can we close the topic of religion now?

If children could see their past lives then I was a princess in past life since I always thought so as a kid.

Was reading Chobits 7 this afternoon. Finished it in an hour. When I got to the end, I was stunned, rather shocked in fact. It had a part about love. Very interesting. To see what love is ideally, read the Chobits series. (yes I know that sounds weird, but it'll be worth it)

God is God. The beginning and end, the greatest power, etc . etc. etc. And my "best friend".
Somehow I believe that deep deep down in a person's heart he/she should know who God is.
It is for yourself to realize of his existance. And it's for you to choose whether or not to believe.

Spirit. Sin. Easily Broken. Weak. Jaded. Lifeless. Existing. Spiritual. Drought. Waters. Relief. Obstacles.


That there are ways to think, and ways to think. And playing by the rules, and playing by THE rules. And understanding that there are rules, and understanding that there are no rules. Or there is a rule, but its only one rule.


I'm talking rubbish.

But that's playing by my own rules. I have the right to set my rules. Its my space.

So in my own space, certain things are sin. certain things are Spirit. Easily Broken. Weak. Jaded. Lifeless. Existing. Spiritual. Drought. Waters. Relief. Obstacles. I write my rules. Why don't you write yours?

Loving my parents. I suppose I don't get jealous when I see them having fun. So I don't love them. There is... emotional attachment yes. But it doesn't translate into posessiveness, since I have a brother and a sister. But my parents don't really have fun with someone else. They have fun with US, or some other group. Haha I know I'm nitpicking, just trying to make my hypothesis STILL hold. Selfish little me.

The Joy affair. I knew immediately after I posted that that was a stupid thing to talk about. Thought about deleting it, but its OUR blog after all. I don't really know. We lost touch sometime in sec 1. Saw her online again sometime in sec 3, and again in JC. Don't really think its a love love, but it was just an example of following the feelings I had in a dream. I don't really know what happened. I didn't even think about her in my sec sch years much. Just sort of weird. A friendship borne and destroyed by the dream. Dreamt of her three times to be exact. Once in primary school, part of a deja vu experience, twice in secondary school. I still remember those dreams vividly.

Somehow talking about this reminded me of what my uncles discussed at dinner on saturday over the weekend. Something about how their children once saw ghosts, and how children can see their past lives. Interesting stuff.

Well... ariel.

Who is god?

My reasoning was, "A dream is a wish your heart makes. No more dreams = no more wishes, = no more needs"... you could use your economic theory... but that'd be like using a physics theory in literature. Dreams are not economic in nature.

I disagree. The future is yet to be. I am not the future.

Thought is not matter, but that doesn't mean it cannot exist, or replicate, or reproduce. Computer viruses are not matter for one, God is not matter for another, and yes, computer viruses DO self replicate.

I kept my definition of love simple. And I think it holds true in most cases except the jealousy part.

Good morning!

Sounds like you have all been thinking alot lately. The holidays DOES give
you leave to think about such deep thoughts, does it not? It is good to
be a pondering sometimes. But never all the time. Do not end up like me.

Life and how you want to spend it, or perceive it, is all up to you. Some
people may take life as precious, some not. But what IS preciousness anyway.
Probably defined as something you hold dear to you, something you treasure.

If your life was a hell, would you still treasure it?
Would you try to improve it? Probably yes, for most people.
So can we conclude that life is precious? Because there's so much to hold, to see,
to feel, to experience. But only to those who seek it.

I have to disagree with Gabriel. Personally, I don't think that the human
spirit is resilient. It is weak. Highly subjected to sin, and easily broken.
How many times have we experienced broken spirits in our midst? Those jaded, lifeless,
merely existing "people"?
How resilient and strong your spirit is, would largely be due to your faith in God, for
the believers. And for the non-believers, I guess the ability to sustain your spirits, in one
way or other, during periods of spiritual drought. (times when the waters of relief are nowhere
to be seen, and obstacles hinder your every possible path)

Our bodies on the other hand, are just as weak. How irksome isn't it? Human life?
We humans could very possibly be regarded to be the weakess animals on earth (think about it)
and yet we are given the most numbers of years of life. ( on the ave ).
Why is that so?

Should I get you all thinking your minds out in frustration?
I think I shall. Then sadistic me will have a kick out of making everyone go
through the same mental turmoil of late night thoughts with me.

What is Love?
Kenneth, you said you've never loved anyone. Haven't you loved your parents?
Ah, but that's another love yes?
So let us narrow it down to the "romantic" love or perhaps "one true love" love.
So who do you suppose your one true love would be?

I think I've come to the conclusion that my only one true love is God.
Really. NOONE else can even come close to understanding me that much.
My expectations are just too high.
But I'll still get married lah. To one who I "love" in the MARRIAGE sort of way.

Joy Kwek, is happily faithful with ONE guy, who's NOT from your dreams
are null and void dear kenneth. Besides, it is awfully foolish to allow
friendships to disintegrate in that manner. No, it is more than that. It
is your heart/mind telling you that she was not a worthy friend, which caused you
to concoct such a dream as excuse for not keeping her as a friend.
However, sometimes, no excuses are needed.

It has nothing to do with being male or female. Every human being has his own
set of emotions, formulated through your experiences and innermost character.

I could use an economic theory to kill off your statement on "that my emotional self has no more needs, and thus no more wishes."
That human wants are unlimited and can never be satisfied.
But I won't be evil. I know it's more than that. Disregard that theory won't you? I hate it.

"To treasure the moment, is to cherish the past at the expense of the present and the future"
Does that statement scare you?
Sometimes dwelling too much on the past will hinder you from moving into the future.
It was all a dream, why not go towards a new one?
But then the memories help mould you into a different person.

Your thoughts on helping others in sacrifice of yourself are noble thoughts kenneth...
Hopefully they will last a long time. Keep to it. You won't regret it.

Thoughts are rather parasitical sometimes. They are highly influenced by other thoughts you see...
Thought is not matter. Ah, interesting yes? You need energy to think, but thought is not matter.
Physic students? What do you think?

Eliane, you are very wise for your age. Yes, I do believe that you may be
even wiser than dear kenneth and gabriel in the matters of love *muses* no offense intended.
Sure you guys have heard of that cliched phrased "If you love him let him go"
I've done that so many times. And yes. If you love him let him go. Really. Possessiveness only kills
a relationship. Seen many crumble that way. But when you let the person go, and you see him so happy with somebody else...
however sad you may feel, however dejected, depressed, morose... you know you've got to move on. Someone better comes along.
And even if someone doesn't. It is better for yourself to suffer alone than to make the other person suffer with you.

Jealousy exists everywhere. Not just because you "love" the person.

And Kenneth, just a tip. Don't try to define love. Too many people have tried and failed.
That's because it's different for everyone. And love is different for every single love you'll ever
have in your life... you'll realize that someday. Also, the different circumstances under which you may love, would
make the love seem different as well. Love is a fickle thing. But true love stays strong always.

My whole life is a waking dream....
I dream, I think, I feel, I live.


Sunday, November 24, 2002

I tried to define love a certain way when talking to Geraldine sometime ago. That love is an emotional attachment to someone or something. Which is seperate from happiness, which is a feeling of euphoria, satisfaction, being totally at ease.

I suppose love, being an attachment, provokes jealousy when a third party creates his own attachment towards the object of your affection. Its like how people want to be loved with all our hearts and souls, and nobody is willing to share that love. To say it more bluntly, love is a thread between two couples that they can use to yank each other around, to manipulate each other, to achieve selfish goals. Thus, when there is a third party yanking your girlfriend around, there's bound to be jealousy. Maybe that thread of love becomes strained. Maybe that thread of love may break.

I love walking. Aimlessly. But it gets irritating when you get yanked around by your friend, who doesn't share the same passion of walking slowly. It becomes some rush to get to some destination, in order to rush to another destination.

I remember, rather vividly, in Genting, when I had a trip bringing old folks to Genting Highlands, and making them enjoy themselves. And there's this gloriously long walk from the dining area back to the hotel, cos its three interlinked buildings away. And on this overhead bridge/tunnel connecting thingy, I decided to match step with this ODAC girl, who noticed. She then took quicker steps, and I matched her pace, and she just egged me on. We flew down the overhead bridges/tunnels, with the cold foggy air outside the glass panelled walls, with our breath forming a slight fog in front of our mouths, and that walk seemed at once relaxing and magical. Its just a walk, a moment of peace in perfect synchrony and understanding. And for that whole duration, it was just us. And an endless future.

I suppose its like life, life being an endless walk, always being between places. Its probably true anyway. In the past, there was nothing, and in the future, they'll be nothing. We're just the flourish between states.

I don't have dreams with strong emotions. They're more like guiding lights. Showing me the way, into things I haven't really thought about.

why do you have to wait till JC to go out with people?

"You know you really love someone when you feel jealous seeing her having fun with someone else." --are you sure? i guess that'd be the possessiveness coming into play, yeah. but what if you were happy that she's happy? (pardon the grammar) isn't that a deeper sort of love?

i agree that walking's important. it helps me sort my thoughts out, at least. --in the past there was more time between events (no telephone, no cars, etc) and hence i guess there was more time for -other- stuff to flourish. more time for others, more time for yourself, more time to develop, to enjoy life, etc.

when do you know when you really love someone? think of all the married couples who end up divorced--is that because they never loved each other in the first place or is it because love is like this creation that has to be constantly maintained and serviced? i guess possessiveness is a sign of love, yeah, in a way--maybe if you're only willing to trust yourself to take care of that person. hence the possessiveness. when does jealousy kick into action?

i'm not someone who dreams a lot. or if i do, i don't remember. i had the occasional nightmare as a child, yes, and those nonsensical dreams too, as well as the snippet dreams. this year though i've had two startlingly vivid dreams, which was really surprising. it's not so much the events in the dreams that made that deep an impression on me, but rather the emotions in the dreams, which were really -really- strong. moreover i haven't ever experienced similar emotions in day-life. it was quite scary. then there was this other time when i woke up in the middle of the night crying. i don't remember if i was dreaming then, though i suppose i must have been.

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.

Perhaps I am another person. My thoughts are someone else's opinions, my life a mimicry, my passion a mere quotation. All brought about by my tenacious quest in search for a perfect answer to life.

I ought to be ashamed.--- Joycelin

Guess what, I thought the same way too. And maybe I do think the same way.

Should I contact her, such that this same thought will find another? What will two thoughts that have met do? Will they breed and reproduce? And perhaps be born into whoever reads this post? Are thoughts parasitical?

Based on my hypothesis, I conclude that I've never really loved someone.

I'm not a man that gets easily jealous. I don't know why... but its just that way. There's nothing important enough to get jealous over, especially if its something transient like fun. I suppose I loved Joy Kwek once, cos I had a dream that she went out in a car with some ACS guys. And I intensely disliked her afterwards. I suppose that's jealousy. A dream being a wish your heart makes. But did I really love Joy? I remember vividly waking up after I had the dream and telling Joy that I'll be terminating this friendship because of a dream. I'm weird ain't I? Believing in the stuff of dreams, and how they'll affect my life?

But I suppose, being male, where emotions are somewhat out of your grasp, dreams are a place where emotions have utmost clarity. And dreams are real, as much as the world is real, both being a manifestation of thought.

I haven't dreamed this week. Snippets of things I call hallucinations, but nothing like a "real" dream. It's been nice going out with Geraldine, and maybe, reality has become a sort of dreamscape. Maybe, the death of dreams, reflects its birth in daily life, that my emotional self has no more needs, and thus no more wishes.

I don't think life is precious. And I don't think life is unimportant either. Life is life. To treasure the moment, is to cherish the past at the expense of the present and the future. I suppose there's really nothing to be treasured. If something happens I'll help them, even though it may mean losing my life. I suppose its just the way I've been programmed, or the sort of way I've been brought up. I just help people as much as i can in critical times, at times when people cannot cope, such that we all survive. The survival of myself is meaningless if everything I hold dear is destroyed. The survival of others if I am destroyed is also meaningless to me. But my death would hold great meaning to those who survives.

Was gathering wool just now, about assorted unimportant mysteries in life. About the fragility of life, and how quickly it is ended.

The human spirit may be astonishingly resilient, but the body is weak. Any moment, a mask donning, chainsaw wielding dark leather aficionado fond of metal chains and nose piercings might come out of the dark alley and, with a deft twist of his hand, end your pathetic little life. How he'll shriek with inhuman delight at his deeds, and the power he wields.

So - life is precious. We must treasure each moment, no? On further thought, I realised that this oft repeated maxim is gobbledygook. If you want to decrease the chances of being felled by a chainsaw maniac - hell, all you need to do is go kill people. Become a baseball wielding killer out on a rampage. Knock out those who look like the type who'll fell you - stubbly, gritty and with messy hair. Stare into their eyes and give empty minded grins. That'll scare them off and increase your chances of survival.

Was wondering what could happen if we could polymorph... and I would polymorph into a bank security guard and rob the bank. And then transmogrify myself into another bank security guard and wreak havoc. Imagine the chaos... Can law and order reign in that sort of environment?

I suppose digging your nose is really important, and doing it discreetly and walking around looking for places to throw your boogers. If the pace of life increases, will we have time to pick our noses? Because if not, our noses will just become blocked and we won't be able to breathe and we'll die of suffocation and what not and have to have operations to remove the accumulated gunk and get sinus and asphyxiate in our mucus and die a horrible death gurgling in some gutter...

Let's not discount the small things in life. Thoughts?

Ah yes...
Children. =)
Reminds me that Christmas is coming...

Guess what I was doing this morning? Looking through mailers of "Toys R'us" and Marks & Spencers. Picking out gifts for friends, looking at the astonishing prices, and then picking out imaginary gifts for myself. (in that order)
Found out in the Toys R'us mailer that they have a "girls" section but not a "boys" section. Instead they named the obviously "boys" toys as under " Auto world". What's that supposed to be? To show the world that girls nowadays would play with boys' toys but boys wouldn't touch a barbie doll???

There was also a "movie excitement" section where half the merchandise belonged to the "Harry Potter" mania. Saw a rather enticing Wizards' Chess set though, and only $20. Hrm.

Oh yeah, Gabriel, remember those funny looking stick ponies we saw in Toys R'Us before? The ones with the horse's head and then a stick for the kids to ride on? Apparently they are supposed to make "sounds" as well...

Saw good gifts for some of you in the catalogues =) But then my pocket ah........sigh.

In the M & S brochure there were food hampers, which a certain somebody here would love. Unfortunately when I saw the price.....=< 3 digits, without a "." in between the digits. Sorry.

Also saw a shirt and some nice silky ties that I'd like to buy for some of my friends, and yechao. But the price again ah......arrrrgh.

Was just thinking sometime ago, how important the time between events is. How we need that time between stimuli to refresh, process, dream, love, and how much that time has been shrinking.

Was wondering what could happen with the advent of instant teleportation... and I would call my ma saying I'll be back late, and when I don't get home by say 9:30, she'll teleport instantly over, and drag me home. I can't have the excuse that I'm stuck in the traffic jam, or on the train or what not... Can romance develop in that sort of environment?

I suppose walking's really important, and sitting and talking and listening. If the pace of life increases, will these things still be there? Because talking and listening and resting and processing are essential parts of our humanity. They're like what differentiates us from computer units. If people just fly from location to location performing certain tasks, what's the difference between humans and an electron in a computer?

Lets treasure the time between events, and not use it. Thoughts?

You know you really love someone when you feel jealous seeing her having fun with someone else. -Kenneth's hypothesis.

Sorry I haven't been posting.. even though I had alot of time during the Govt internship. Kinda just sat around listening to jazz and sleeping.

Well if you people (my loyal audience~) still don't know, I've been spending my week at the Northeast CDC as part of my government internship. Was attached to the Social Assistance team, and went through cases, determining how much money they deserved. Saw a few homes, sparsely furnished, and a few of the destitute. One mother really struck me, cos she had 3 kids, no job, and couldn't really make ends meet. her kids had to eat porridge with a bit of soya sauce for their meals. And she couldn't get a job cos they were very young.

Afterwards had a tour of the student care centers, childcare centres and elderly centres... Enjoyed looking at the little kids 1-2 years old... and them all smiling and running around. Thought of my childhood, and my happy times. And I realized how much I love children. Not sure if I'll love them when I grow older, and realize they cost money, and make diapers smelly etc. But I think, a single smile from them, and it's all worth it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Star Wars doesn't have the deathgrip on our generation that it has on my sister's.

Haha I got to watch Harry Potter with Screwed Up Girl first.

How To Draw Anime

"WOW! Now you see just how easy it is to draw! And all you had to do was to pledge your soul and family to Satan! Who knew that being an artist would be so sweet! Now anytime you want to impress your friends with an anime girl with massive breasts, you'll know everything you'll need to do to make them ooh, and ah in sheer wonderment of your amazing talents! However, if they ask you where you got these amazing talents, just tell them the truth, that it involves years of practice and dedication, and has nothing to do with giving your soul to Satan. But just between you and me we'll know the real reason, and will be laughing our asses all the way to the bank when that fat artist money comes rolling in. "

Me on Anime:

"Both shows - Cowboy Bebop and Kodomo no Omocha, were eminently more understandable than the crap that was "Shoujo Kakumei Utena", though the Japanese are really disturbing - For Kodomo, what's an 11 year old girl doing with a 25 year old boyfriend? Kenneth also played a bit of Chobits, but both of us were barely tolerating it, so we shut the window after a while.

Japanese Anime does have its merits, but I still say it's overblown and overrated. People talk in such fake voices, timbres and tones, act really over the top, make lame jokes and do improbable things. And all the characters have hellishly large eyes - probably the Japanese artists subconsciously compensating for their inadequacies (small eyes)."

Btw Why is Slash called Slash? No one gets killed.

ooh. 'fight club' screenplay.

ah. with many editions, it has. :D

no. it hasnt come out.

Lomo Wonderland
fFurious presents Lomo Wonderland:

"The wonderland promised by our forefathers is here: education, mass transport, cineplexes, food & video on demand, cheap designer drugs, branded goods for all ages. But don't you smell something funny? Are these smiles wrinkle-free, these tattoos removable? Pursuing happiness to its most customized packages, we are enslaving ourselves to a painless, genetically remastered Never Never Land. Is this what we are sacrificing all the partying for? In such a consumer dream mall, is there a corner for minority wonderlands? Our downtowns have become temples of shopping, our cities advertising posters; we are all living in a virtual wonderland! It's time to repossess our cities with the images in our minds."

the2ndrule remixes:

Original lomographs courtesy of the Lomographic Embassy, Singapore

fFurious vs the2ndrule

Lomographic Embassy, Singapore, presents Lomo Wonderland - an international travelling exhibition of mind-spinning lomographs that have toured Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Seoul and Tokyo.

Six 7-metre-long multi-colour frescos ("lomowalls") constructed from photographic submissions form a 42m Wonderland Lomowall.
Catch it at the Esplanade, Singapore, from November 15 2002 to January 05 2003

kenneth have you seen/ heard of this?
hope the html comes out.

yeah lend me the giver. :D

my locker's not very personal, actually.
charlotte's nice. it's very quaint and sweet; whether that's a compliment or not is up to you :)
is it confirmation or sth?

bao. my mom thinks your name has a nice meaning. says we shd call you 'grace'.
i can lend you the giver if you want. interesting sentence.
astee and amanda yes.

short post.

yeah-- but which amanda?

hmmz know astee and amanda?

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

there's 'the giver' as well, that deals with this 'memory' theme.
havent read it, but want to.

lolita? cool. ;)
i like catherine less.
i am-- parents chose, it means precious grace. identifiable song.

ok charlottes nice. :)

lockers? something like hp inboxes.~
but i dont keep a lot in my locker. it wouldnt bother me.

haah. not very vocal nowadays. too used to not having anything to say!

Well just heard that the lockers in school were broken into yesterday, wondering how bad it is... Geraldine dear will be going down to see how bad it is. If its really bad, I'll go down and cover the event. I think photographic records will be important clues as to which items belong where, and how bad the damage is, and may help in discovering any clues. But I suppose the councillors and admin probably didn't think of that, and whatever clues there would have been destroyed already.

Lockers are really private things. I'd personally hate it if the most private posessions I have in my locker were exposed to the world, and they'll be people flipping through my stuff. Thoughts really horrible to consider. I was all thinking last night, on the walk home, how it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, that I didn't use the locker I booked that I couldn't find. Really, what drives these people to do such things.

But on a deeper level, and a more honest level, I suppose I'll be really interested to be there, to flip through other people's things, no matter how much I know and believe it may be wrong. Its a voyeuristic thrill, all the inner thoughts of people suddenly exposed in plain view. All the questions, and secrets, and relationships that you were previously unaware of, all the images and times in those peoples' lives where you weren't there. All the people you don't know, but know alot better now, after flipping through their possessions.

Its the freedom from having to confide in them, from having to build trust, and the ability to see their innermost thoughts and secrets that's empowering. Its the patching of clues, the images of people posed or otherwise, that allows you to integrate that person into your circle in life, without the burden of having to dig out that person's history from talking to her. Its the images of times past, like the old history exercises we used to do, to figure out what was there, what wasn't there, what's missing, and to fill in the gaps. Like Sherlock Holmes,

Monday, November 18, 2002

I have decided to settle on the name Charlotte =)
It's derived from Saint Charles who's the patron saint of learning and the arts.

I think that it's just that our society's a little screwed up. Don't think they have this problem in most developed countries. Heck, all my good friends are guys! Gabriel, Richard, and now you Kenneth. Really don't see what the fuss is all about. I guess it's just that society can be so conservative and close minded about some things. Sigh.
Don't know, I seem to be able to get along better with guys, they help you see other points of view, not to mention buying you treats and helping you to carry your shopping if they're the gentlemanly kind.
Sometimes gays make such good friends to girls! and what does society think about THAT? But I guess that's out of the topic? heh

Unbracketed = Female
Bracketed = Male

I really can't stay (but, baby, it's cold outside).
I've got to go 'way (but, baby, it's cold outside).
This evening has been (Been hoping that you'd drop in)
so very nice (I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice).

My mother will start to worry (beautiful words you're humming),
and father will be pacing the floor (listen to the fireplace roar).
So really I'd better scurry (beautiful, please don't hurry)
��well, maybe just a half a drink more (put some records on while I pour).

The neighbors might think (but, baby, it's bad out there)
��say, what's in this drink? (no cabs to be had out there).
I wish I knew how (your eyes are like starlight now)
to break the spell (I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell).

I ought to say no, no, no sir (mind if I move in closer?).
At least I'm gonna say that I tried (what's the sense of hurtin' my pride?).
I really can't stay (Oh, baby, don't hold out).
Ah but it's cold outside (baby, it's cold outside).

I simply must go (but, baby, it's cold outside).
The answer is no (but, baby, it's cold outside).
The welcome has been (how lucky that you dropped in)
so nice and warm (look out that window at that storm).

My sister will be suspicious (Gosh, your lips look delicious),
my brother will be there at the door (waves upon a tropical shore).
My maiden aunt's mind is vicious (gosh, your lips are delicious).
Well, maybe just a cigarette more (never such a blizzard before).

I got to get home (but, baby, you'd freeze out there).
Say, lend me a coat (it's up to your knees out there).
You've really been grand (I'm thrilled when you touch my hand).
Why don't you see (how can you do this thing to me?).

There's bound to be talk tomorrow (think of my lifelong sorrow),
at least there will be plenty implied (if you caught pneumonia and died).
I really can't stay (get over that hold-out).
Ah, but it's cold outside (ah, but it's cold outside)

��Where could you be going, when the wind is blowing, and it's cold outside? Baby it's cold, cold outside.

Stumbled onto my friend's webpage today, Eldwin's got a new digicam, and he took quite a few photos of his girlfriend. I knew her quite well, having met her at Musicweed, and I'm really proud that she's changed so much. I suppose that's the main difference between RJ and VJ... in VJ I feel proud at the things my friends have done. in RJ I just feel sort of ambivalent.

So I messaged her, and we just messaged for a while. Maybe I should meet up with her for a little chat. I don't understand really. In our society, is having a relationship equivalent to losing all your friends of the opposite sex? Why can't i have good friends of both sexes, and a girlfriend? Why should I lose something when I love that person that much more. And why should society even demand that I make a choice? Friends are friends. Lovers are lovers. And I don't think they're very much the same thing.

To me, Geraldine's a friend that I should have had when I stepped into RJC. Its like how Teresa was the friend I made when I went to VJ. Its this clicking, this meeting of minds that's just so fufiling, and makes us both so happy. I'm happy right now with the way things are, and when I'm happy about something, why should i change it to something else?

And so we trooped to VJC. Huilin asked me why I liked VJC so much, as a few of her friends hated the place. I like it because of its familiarity, because its a place I've spent time in. I like it because I have friends there, that I was really close to, that I haven't contacted since comming to RJC. I love VJC because there were memories I had there, and memories I shared. I like VJC, because we all had fun.

While walking past VJC in the dead of the night, 3.00am, I had this sudden urge to climb into the VJ premises, to shout that I'm home! To wander to places in my memories, the corridors I've spent my first three months in. To don the VJ uniform and wonder what could have been. To see myself in both the RJ and VJ uniform and make a choice. I'm sure I'll still choose RJ... but why is that decision so hard to make? Why am I still unsettled?

Perhaps its because I've made really great friends there. I still communicate with the chem tutor I had, sometimes going back to the bandroom, sometimes meeting friends outside of school. It seems that there are so many people I've known, that I was not aware of. And also probably, because I made a friend there, by pure chance of sitting next to her at a lecture, that I could share my thoughts and feelings with freely, a friend just like Geraldine. I suppose I felt lost in RJC, because I didn't have such a friend. My used to be best friend went into social withdrawal, others have changed, and I never really felt comfortable in a RJ game, where I'm uncertain of the underlying currents, and all the politics that were never present in VJ. I don't have the luxury of seeing people in their secondary school uniforms, and I'm not conditioned to think that people know people in RJC. in VJC, your secrets can be kept very safe because people know most people at a superficial level. Not so in Raffles dominated RJC.

Anyway yeah. I wanted to run in VJC, and feel free again, and enjoy the same feelings I had in my first three months.

Then we walked the same way I ran every PE lesson. Up the overhead bridge to the East Coast Park, like images from a once forgotten reality, in darkness, a way that I've never seen it before. And we trudged along the way from pit 30 something to 10. We could see stars, the bright ones untwinkling, the fainter ones twinking behind the movement of the wind, the ones that you couldn't quite see, but could tell was there in your heart. And they talked about the North star being quite invisible from Singapore, and I was wondering silently as I looked skyward, Which star is my guiding star? Which star would I follow when I'm lost. Confused. Tired. We reached the pier and camped.

The place was really nice, if we had gotten there earlier, and could make everything pretty again. Just kinda half flopped onto the bare concrete. Denny and Yanwei spent the whole night watching stars together. I kept my eyes opened to look for shooting stars but didn't see any. Put my head on my bag, with the crunchy film boxes, and fragile camera and slept. I couldn't care. The place was rather damp though, and my hair smelt. Still, stars, breeze and the sea, and the constant sound of swash. I closed my eyes, and felt almost like the sky, with the waves making sounds that encircled the patch of sky my eyes were half looking at. Where I felt totally at peace, and knew that i was asleep.

Woke up, and trudged to the toilet, some many miles away. Still kinda groggy. Thought I might have a blister on the ankle due to sandals, but it didn't form. Lucky. Washed away the mixture of sand, sweat and dew, And walked out. Then, I saw a gradual lightening of the sky. And I realized what I was waiting for was going to happen. Half running, reached the place and set up my tripod and got ready to take photos. I wasted a whole roll of film on that morning alone. The faulty reasoning goes. I am SO NOT going to wake up this early ever again, so I'd better make the best out of it. It wasn't a really beautiful sunrise. Like my friend said, not poster card quality. But I try to make the best out of it. Its sad that the sun didn't really break until it was way high up in the sky. Some cloud covered it up and kept growing larger as the sun rose higher. Like it was purposely trying to prevent us from taking a nice picture. It was wonderful seeing how the meter readings changed though, and how little we percieved as actual brightness changes.

The blues of the sky and the oranges were really beautiful. If anything, I hope the colours come out well... those are the things that only matter.

Then contentedly, trudged home, took a taxi back, costs me 5 bux! And wondering how I'm gonna survive the next two weeks.

Sunday, November 17, 2002

When we were there, it wuz really uncomfortable larh. Harry and his ideas that there was something fishy going on... Talk about developing his photos. It was like this huge conspiracy. Blehz. Sugar high from Marshmallows, I kinda forced fries down, knowing i needed energy to last till sunrise, and didn't order a drink cos Sweet stuff would probably just make me lose my appetite. It didn't help that Yechao seemed so moody, and I didn't dare to joke with Geraldine to avoid provoking Yechao, or causing any wrong impressions. Decided to go out and take a walk. Went up to Harvey Norman and collapsed into a nice sofa. Then decided I didn't really wanna be store furniture so I went down to the Burger King level and kinda sprawled onto a wooden bench. Some concerned security guard saw me and asked me if I needed help. Blehz.

Decided that I looked rather homeless, and that it'll be better if I sprawled on a Burger King bench, I walked back in. Then I took off my glasses, and they half came apart in my hands. Some screw came off, and sweet Yechao helped me put them back together. Then Geraldine came back and sat next to Yechao, and chatted with him, while i went of to Lala land. I think that got the whole photog club bewildered. Told you I didn't like them. Weird jumpers to of conclusions.

Anyway, then we kinda walked all the way to some MRT station, and the to PS. I can't remember much of the details, just that yech geri and me got stuck behind again, and we had to take the second train. They keep doing that.. or maybe we just walk too slowly. Anyway, was thinking of DDRing, but there wasn't much time. DDR's fun! and Yechao seemed fine. So its all okay.

Went in to watch Harry Potty and his Chamber (Pot!) of Secrets. Ron is GAY. Or at least the actor must have been female. Could guess the music was composed by John Williams because it seemed so rehashed. Dobby sounded like Yoda at some parts, Jar Jar at some parts, and someone said that Geraldine said Dobby looked like Yechao. And she (photog fren) agrees! Nice watching movie next to Geraldine... made use of the adjustable armrest to prop up my face, so my eyes were directed towards the screen, and the uncomfortableness of that position kinda made it harder for me to sleep. If I had fallen asleep I'd have fallen into Geraldine's lap, and would be punched soundly by Yechao next to her. Still the movie was fun... kept making asides to Geraldine, and we luffed often. But she had already seen it before. I think Harry Potter's to children what Star Wars is to us. ANd I'm betting Book 5 will have sex.

Left the cinema, Geraldine and Yechao went home. Joined the photog group. Went 7-11 for instant noodles and drinks. Took a nightrider to VJC.

Saw this very weird story on a forum. Weird.

The Legend Of The Creation To Draw Anime
Years ago a little girl named Sakourania was stuck in a rain storm. She was delivering the order that King Munoyucin gave her. Sakourania ran as fast as she could to deliver the order, when a lightnimg bolt struck a tree so big that people could live on it. When the tree got struck it fell onto a village. The village was called Shimarhajr. Many villagers lived when they didn't got crushed by the tree. But Sakourania was the only one under the tree, her body crushed. All you could have heard was terrifing screams and cries. It took the 1946 villagers to lift up the tree. But they couldn't find Sakourania's body. When the villagers stood the tree up they found Sakourania's body in the middle of the tree. She was still bleeding, her eyes wide open and holding the kings order in her hand. It looked like she was standing when she was in the tree.
"Aaahhhhh!" was a scream echoing through the village. When Sakourania was bleeding, the blood connected in 2397 ways. Soon the whole tree was covered with a type of drawing. There was a word on the tree and it said "Daishef Hsgidwah Maetsodh Baisgdk". That meant "I Sakourania, will create the kings order true!". Soon, the blood soaked into the tree and the tree began growing vines. It wrote what the kings order was. "Let country have the ability to draw Ansoukine(Anime) to make my country have wealth to each villager!"

And slowly, almost imperceptibly, the sun set from behind the performer, casting golden rays all over the audiences. I hope my photos really come out well... but I was too engrossed by the performance to care. Just happy being there, laughing at his jokes, watching his acrobatics. And it was even more amazing because he got his audience to help him out with the show... literally putting his life in their hands. And I couldn't help laughing when one of them sat down halfway while holding the ropes that controlled some stick holding him up 12 feet above the ground. He was like scolding him from his perch... and we just laughed like crazy. Another of the audience helpers dissapeared halfway and sat among the audience... haha and he was like looking around for the person. And some girl who was suppose to throw balls to him to juggle, and took so long just to get one ball to him. Hilarious!

Finally, as the sun slowly lay back into his bed, the Singapore night scene revealed itself. Got out the tripod, got a few pictures of the horizon, and sat with Geraldine at the side of the Singapore river.I could sit there forever. Watching the shimmering waters, feeling the gentle breeze caress my face. Looking at the crowds, yet feeling at peace, like being in a world of your own.

Then we decided to meet Harry and the rest at some bridge. And he said he'll pop his flash so we'll be able to see him, and two flashes popped at the same time from two different positions on the WRONG bridge. Then we walked around, looking for bridges and Geraldine suggested asking a tourist. I asked a waiter from the Mandarin Singapore, and he said "Ni Neng Shuo Hua Yu Ma?" He's from the PRC! My god! We both laughed ourselves crazy.

Then Yechao called, and we were somewhat panicky, cos we've lost the group, and it looked kinda suspicious, and Yechao was at City Hall Station RIGHT NOW. So we half flew to Suntec, thinking of cutting through to Millennia Walk, when Geraldine received a call saying that Yechao was already there. Geraldine did say Yechao walks fast, but I had no idea he could teleport. Geraldine waffled a little, and I commented on her truth telling skills. And the photog people wanted to take photos for a little while longer. So we met Yechao, and there was an uncomfortable silence. I felt really tired. Wanted to close my eyes there and then, with the breeze across my face, and just go to bed with all the beautiful memories. Open the pack of marshmallows, and ate till I had no space for dinner. Called Harry, and finally arranged to meet them at Burger King at Millennia.

Catherine sounds nice. I don't know anything about religion. Or at least I know enough not to get bothered by it.

Was really thinking about blogging the whole time, but dog tired. I know this WILL BE a REALLY long post so bear with me... you can skip it if you don't wanna read it. Just because I know it's gonna be long, I tried entering dreamland to try and organize things a little... but I don't think I have enough money in my dreamlink card to open the gates. Struggling to stay awake, yet unable to fall asleep. It's when your mind's half undecided that I decided to blog... at least I'll get most of it done, and at least I won't forget half of it.

Summary. The Photog trip was REALLY fun. I had a great time with them and Geraldine, but it wasn't happy happy all the way lar. But I'm really glad Geraldine came, cos she's the one of the main reasons why I liked the trip. We shot five rolls of film, her one black and white, me four. We watched Harry Potter. We stayed overnight at some pier at East Coast. We watched the sunrise.


I reached City Hall rather early... went to Eunos in the morning to get paint for my sister's room. I'm not doing the painting, my maid is. They didn't have the colour/shade she wanted, so we went back, my maid went home and I went City Hall. The colour I picked, dark purple, looks really good on my wall and my sister's. You people must really come over and see it.

At city hall, decided to get some slide film. Thought I got cheated... but later checked it out and found out that I was rather a moron. Cos I could have gotten 200 speed film at $6.80 instead of 100 speed film at $6.50... Of course, the formulation's probably different, so I should really experiment with both types to see which ones I like. But generally, higher numbers mean a worser image quality, but more picture taking opportunities cos you can take an image in a shorter time, less chances for shaking to affect the sharpness of your image. Spent 26 bux on four rolls. and 14 bux on film for Tiffany. Some photog person I've never met that called me up and asked me to buy film for her. It's my fault. I confused her, thinking she knew exactly what type of film she wanted. She wanted the consumer sort... which I can't stand so .... It didn't register that she wanted the lousy sort. Until she sent me a SMS. I'm dumb sometimes.

So laden with film, tripod clanking around tied to my bag with an improvised plastic bag I got from Jasons, walked back to City Hall and met the photog people. Harry brought Cheeyuan, who left before the trip even started, Huilin brought Ruxin... who's rather nice, Yanwei and Minghui, and Tiffany and Denny rounded it up, as well as me and Geraldine. 10 of us. No, I forgot somebody. Two more I think. They were rather surprised to see Geraldine... I suppose they all know... but I didn't really like the way they behaved lar. Blehz... that's why I wanted Geraldine to come in the first place. My goal was to make it to sunrise...and I didn't think I could stay sane and cool around them till that time. Its just some bits of friction that really chafe when you're with them. Kind of like... a difference in opinion, and a difference in behaviour and outlook perhaps. I noe that most of them are really close friends... but I just can't put my finger on what I don't like. It makes people feel rather unwelcome... like they don't belong.

So.. anyway, we all trooped down to the padang to waste film. Photogs amusing themselves pointing cameras at cars and what not, taking pictures of this REALLY nice trishaw rider that slowed down for us to take pictures of him. I was looking for unique angles, taking a nice break under the 4pm sun, looking at a sea of greenery, sitting on pavement, and just being. Watching them getting excited over the Singapore Cricket Club, pointing cameras at the players, while I just sat, right in the center of Singapore, and existed. Spoke to Geraldine a little, lent her my nice little camera, taught her how to use it, and she took a bunch of photos. Really wonder how they'll turn out. I haven't decided who to send them to, cos I'm not sure if they're junk, or there might be a few gems there. Probably troop down to RGB, and check out their quality sometime on Monday. Probably get images back on wednesday, and that's just as well.

Aside... photography's kinda like a diary... its the images that help you keep certain memories, and prevent them from being lost to time. Images can bring back memories you've totally forgotten, and that's probably why I wanna take photographs.

Chatted a bit with Geraldine while walking from place to place, we see differently. Some things I dont' find interesting at all, she finds fascinating. Other things I find rather fascinating, she doesn't see any beauty. Can't wait for the photographs to be out, to see what gems she has, and what gems I have.

Walked over to Fullerton I think. The whole day's just walking and walking, and stopping for an ocassional photograph. Photog exco and friends in front, me and Geraldine lagging behind, cos I sometimes stopped to take photographs, and two others that followed us, who I don't know the names of. Geraldine kept me entertained, and I luffed rather loudly at times... sighz. Sweet times, with a nice gentle breeze blowing across the whole place.

Got to the merlion... started taking touristy photos, wondering why there's a huge crowd there. The view's beautiful. A large expanse of sea, merlion looking out towards the big unknown, the esplanade hanging out right along this bridge. I don't like an image that someone else has already designed for me. I like my own images. I like my own creations. So I didn't take any shots that looked particularly touristy.

Then we walked over to the Esplanade. I was having fun taking photos of people on the bridge, the moon peeking over the durian halves, stuff like that, when we realized we lost them!!! Arrgh. A few frantic calls, with nobody replying, when ALL three of the people I called had their handphones with them and didn't pick up, caused us to suspect a conspiracy. It was such a funny situation. Harry who had been spying with his long lens on the both of us the whole day, and suddenly they were all gone. I tried with Geraldine's phone, but they didn't pick up either so... maybe it was a genuine oversight, that they didn't switch on their phones cos they were in some sensitive area, busy chatting so they didn't notice and stuff. And I wuz like worried cos I may not get my sunrise after all. But anyway, seeing some crowds milling around a little theatre, we saw this really good busker! Sighz... pity Geraldine couldn't see most of it. But the guy was REALLY funny, and he really built rapport with the audience. My idol! Haha... really swell guy.

I think I really admire him, cos he found a job that he's really good at, that he really enjoys. And you can see from his expression that its really what he wants to do. He has found his place in life and is really comfortable with it. How many of us can say so? And I feel that he feels it, and not just thinks it. And to be among the best of his craft. Amazing.

I am desperately trying to find a suitable Christian name...
Did you guys know that there is actually a Saint Lolita?
But if I name myself Lolita people will probably harass me.

Alot of the saints apparently were either recluses or virgins.
And we're supposed to emulate them. So I'm still looking for one which doesn't have any odd connotations.
Somehow Catherine seems viable. But don't you think it's a little common?

Are any of you Christian? Who chose your names for you/how did you choose them?
Just wondering.

okay see you then!
Govt internship starts next week.
I had a really really great saturday and sunday.
Tell you all about it later. Gotta sleep~~~

And good luck for your exams!

Saturday, November 16, 2002

I'm leaving Melbourne in the afternoon of 6th December but I'm not sure if I'm arriving Singapore on the 6th itself or the day later.

Govt internship? *raises eyebrows* What do you have to do?

Exams start next week! Argh!

Just thinking about stuff again. Variations on a theme. Watched chobits ep21, spoke about this guy that married a persocon(robot of a sort) and how the persocon suffered a harddisk failure, and later rescued him from an oncomming vehicle even though it wasn't programmed to do so. And the reason why he didn't change the faulty harddisk was that no matter how little memories remain on the persocon, he wanted to keep them all.

I suppose that's understandable. I'd be very upset if my harddisk crashed. But yeah... I do see the point. If she doesn't remember, and you do, does it make things any less real? Can we say it never happened? Its just a happy memory, with a emotional attachment, and what makes us cry is that there will be nobody to share that beautiful memory with. That something beautiful and pure has been destroyed.

Would men be happier if all memories died with the person? Where when a person died all memories of him, and the fact that he existed, becomes deleted in all the minds of men. Reminds me of the Orwell story... should we manipulate the memories of people in this world to make them happy (or at least not sad) or should we leave things to fate, and make people accept reality as it is?

Friday, November 15, 2002

I'd love to ask for contacts of everyone I've met,
but I don't think I have the time to contact them all. Between the time spent on building relationships with my current friends, and the time spent on my current hobbies, and of course the ever present studying, there's hardly any time left at all..

I'd love to have children. Many many children. At least I wouldn't feel bored. Maybe I should have children with many many different people. Then I can see the results of combining with many many different people, and maybe the few which I'm more compatible with.

I think childbirth's okay. I wouldn't mind going through it. Sounds exciting. But I'd hate to scream like a pig... no composure. But I suppose its terribly intimate, and really bonds the family together... being at a person's most savage and natural state.

I wonder how Hannibal would give birth... if he were female... he'd probably just look surprised and *poof* baby appears.

Well... let me just update everyone on my life. Been going out with Geraldine rather frequently. Its fun. She's funny. I'm totally neglecting work because of her. Haha... but its okay yeah? Its the holidays.

Anyway so what have I been working on.

I've been designing the R(A) webpage, but no work has actually started... gathering materials and stuff. What's the most popular website layout generating software anyway... I'm out of the loop.

Working on my digital darkroom workflow. That just means the pieces of software I use from scanner to nice image. There are a surprisingly large number of steps. First I scan the image with Epson TWAIN (scanner driver) into Paint Shop Pro (soon to be replaced with Photoshop 7.0 when I can finally stand the interface... doing mental preparation... because Photoshop unlike Paint Shop Pro can do 16 bits per colour channel. Meaning my tones can look smoother). Then it goes for colour adjustments (yet undone, cos I don't have a printer, only a monitor, and every monitor produces colour slightly differently, so I'm not TOO concerned about that.) Making the colours look livelier, (especially when using negative films) and making skin tones look more like asian skin. I can be quite picky here. Takes up most of my thinking time. The rest of the time I can spend away from my computer. Then I'll save the images as a uncompressed TIFF, about 10mb per image, and run it through a Neat Image(a noise removing software, due to my cheap lousy Epson Perfection 1650 Photo scanner, which does great work with slides, but horribly noisy scans with negatives). Neat Image produces a JPG (which is compressed, which I don't like but have no choice cos I can't pay for the home edition which gives me a TIFF) so I get a nice JPG. And at the end of all that work, all I get is a image that I can make 5R (at 300 dpi) or 6R (at 250 dpi) prints of. Blahz. What can I do with a lousy scanner, lousy computer, and NO printer. And the best thing of all, after all that work, the printing (if I use the Fuji digital printing service) will not have colours that match my screen. Yay~ so I'll probably have to spend money calibrating some printer I have NO control of. And then if THEY calibrate their printer then I've gotta do it all over again. YAY~! Now I know why photography's a rich hobby. And I'm not rich... just struggling along.

Thought of buying an Epson printer today. Saw an old model that was rather good at $139. Told the auntie I'd buy it if she sold it to me at $100. She said that's the lowest. I said no deal. Haha... making unreasonable cuts in the price does wonders at keeping your hands off new tech toys.

I'm somewhere between deciding to just shoot slide film and scan it, and cut down the noise filtering step, or buy negative film, bear with the horrible colour, and just imagine I didn't buy the scanner in the first place. Of course both cost plenty... film and developing. And I should have just spent the money on a nice digital camera. But that's a topic for another day. My heart weeps when I look at the 10mb raw files, and the 0.5mb JPGs... imagine all the detail I threw away through all that conversions.

Okay... after looking at the pictures in depth, I can't really tell the difference between the JPG and the TIFF so its probably fine.

i think asking for contacts isn't despo. it depends what you do after you ask for the contact. it's a risk yeah but oh well.

*laughs at bao's entry*: bliss if the person appeared on tv everyday? i tend to be the possessive type. memories aren't really enough, not at first anyway, but i gues over time one deals with it. acquired love is the sweetest. tempered, you know, that sort of thing.

What, you prefer endless pubescent discussions? Yeah actually I'd rather those too. The worst things posted here are the incoherent rants and weird stories, really, posted by. Err.

Group blogs aren't meant for daily reports. Not really.

3 of us had an outing of sorts yesterday. Yeh.

"Sighz... this blog is degenerating into the sort I don't like. "

hm. yeah. so i kinda ignore what i cant connect.
am -i- getting obscure?

what childbirth?? NO! bah.

aiyah, its also that whole thing about asking for contacts being despo and/ or buaya etc.
also you (i) dont (wouldnt) know how the other person would react, or what he/she thinks of you (me). so youre not sure; its a risk. taking it makes you vulnerable, and there are so many things that could be read into it.
so. i feel its a pity. yeah.
lost connections.

memories. i'm easily satisfied too, though less than you.
i like memories, but i find them unsatisfactory.
posession is the way-out, unattainable thing, so basically anything in between memories and possession is fine. it'd be bliss if that person appeared on tv everyday.
i'd be the stalker type.

i think 'acquired' love is the nicest. somehow. dunno.

If you need me... I'll put my arms around you.

Sighz... this blog is degenerating into the sort I don't like. With obscure references to daily lives that half the world doesn't know about. If people wanted to post their diaries online, they should do a better job telling everyone about it. The button says post & PUBLISH for a reason.

Am I really that weird?

Thursday, November 14, 2002

you too dearie~
when are you comming back? three weeks later means december 8th? cos that's when my govt internship ends

Sometimes I'd compose a blog in my mind, and plan it fully, but I never get around to typing it in and publishing it. Next week govt internship. Maybe I'll use the chance to quit my excessive net behaviour and meet up with friends using the good old telephone.

Aww. Poor Kenneth. *hug* Take care!

Something I keep on my cupboard door:

Think of the future as a wonderful
door opening into a promising new land.
Learn from the past, but do not let it determine your future.
Forget about any past mistakes.
Be glad that you are living in a world
that is so full of oppotunity. Be optimistic.
Appreciate the fact that you have God-given
talents and abilities that are uniquely yours,
and don't be afraid to use them. Be the best you can be.
eek the advice and help of others, but always remember
that yours is the final word. Make your own decisions,
explore your own self, find your own dreams.
Be persistent; try not to get discouraged when
things don't go your way.
Do all that you can to make this world a better place to live
Be aware that life isn't always easy, but that given time and
hard work, it can be everything you want it to be.
Most of all, be happy!
The future awaits you, and it's a wonderful time to be alive.
Sometimes when I feel a little lack of hope, or when I start regretting the past, I read this and feel much better.

Love is something acquired...sometimes...through experience.
So now you regret...but there are ways to make amends. And who knows who'll be waiting for you in the future =)

You can't live on memories alone....memories can fade.....
isn't it much better to have the person beside you forever?

Perhaps fate may lead you back to the people again someday?
But remember that people may not stay the same.

People are naturally selfish, but you can conquer that.

I think that the only person who can truly answer those questions are you yourself, and noone else.

Perhaps it's because the right person isn't here yet, so you're holding back? I don't know...

Just don't make the same mistakes again...

Troubled. Kinda.

Thinking about all the loves that could have been, somewhat realizing that it maynot only be me that likes someone, and there's some possibility she'd like me too. Troubled by all the times I didn't tell someone I liked her. Troubled by the memories I've had, and the things that could have been.

I'm an easily satisfied person. A few sweet memories, and I don't have to have that person to myself. A few sweet memories is all I need. But someone told me recently that the other person could be troubled by my sudden dissapearance, and how much she sometimes thinks of the people out of her life, and wonders if they both might have been.

Feel horrible. Feel selfish.

Its not only the could have beens. Its also the unconscious causing of hurt. The breaking of hearts. How many times have someone looked at me a certain way, and I fail to get their contacts. And they are kinda shy asking for mine. and *poof* a thread of fate broken, and a pair of might have been thoughts.

If I could only grasp every single interesting person floating through my life.

It seems that we always lose touch right after we had the most fun. When I feel that there may be something, and there's always the pressure against asking for a certain contact information. And even if I got it... I don't always use it.

Am I too busy? Or can't I just be bothered?

Am I negligent?


Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Wah lao. Well she's forgiven. She doesn't know the intricacies of Blogger.

Eee it's a chobits layout. She has red eyes. Looks like a demon. And her dress is falling out. These Japanese. Does she sizzle when her master... does things?

Greece isn't a city. It's a country. *Buries face in hands* I think you officially suck. So much for "I take an interest in Ancient History". Hah! My foot.

Well the Parthenon was fried when a shell hit it and the gunpowder stored there blew up.

I didn't make my blog layout!!! Liying did it for me!

The website is very interesting Gabriel...Wonder what it's like in Greece. Wouldn't it be interesting to visit one day? Is it true that it's one of the ancient cities whose architecture etc, still remains largely the same today?

Although some people think I'd make a good mother, personally I doubt it. I'm so dependent on others that I can't imagine having anyone dependent on me. Besides, I may die during childbirth due to the pain.

Are any of you willing to sacrifice yourselves during childbirth? Just a thought. What about the guys? Opinions?

Gak. My name has been used in vain!

Screwed Up Girl has just topped herself.

Her blog template's lousy, since she made it herself, so there's no permalink. But take my word for it.

Excuse me, I think I'm going to go outside and puke.


At least there's a chiton in this.

I want to puke again

*vomits out remains of lunch*

logically i know what to do, how to do etc, being a -kid- before, but in practice it seems very different.
after all, mothers have all been kids before too.
will i forget?

work consists of stoning, mostly.
but today was reasonably productive.
searched for hotels and travel agents and mobile phone dadeedas.
feel very professional.
now that is done, am sticking receipts (piles and piles!!!) on to rough paper.
can you imagine graduates working in an office, finance dept, spending much of their time sticking receipts from 9 - 5??
cos thats what theyd be doing if it werent for us.

dont forget to subscribe!

children are cute.
not very excited about them though, for some reason.
i have a really sweet little cousin (boy, "twua-a-haf") and a little girl (few mths).
i love 'em when i see 'em, but other than that i dont think too much about them.
have children? i would, except that i have to get pregnant and give birth first.
perhaps i'll adopt.
i wonder what kind of mother i'd make.

I love admiring children's hands, they're so tiny!! It just amazing that they can grow so big, so soon. Love to go on but the school bell is going to ring any minute! And yups, I wanna have children one day.
Ken: You're using Yoda talk! Haha!

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Geraldine's right.
What if they loved me?
Consequences too mind boggling to consider.
Consider it I will.

I'm fine, don't worry =)

Tsk tsk, you notti little girl! Learning to use the comp sneakily behind your boss's back already? Good skills to learn during job attachment eh? ;)

Went to a child care centre this afternoon...The children are all so innocent and cute and adorable, sweet, non-suspecting, eager, earnest...
Just wondering, what do you guys think about children?
Would you want to have children one day?

bit into scented apples
didn't know they made apples that taste this good.

work experience! from 11th to 22nd.
besides not interested in anime anyway.
ah. geraldine doesnt really sound okay.
i hope youre okay.
uhh... be. okay. okay? -cheesy grin-
(sigh. what a loser i am.)

i saw that show too. but not much of it.
i dont keep a journal-- this is as close as it gets.
i think many (most?) girls have some fantasy or another that requires secrecy, or else room for imagination.
like, no one else knows, i'm such a mysterious beautiful person.
how crap.
sigh. reality.

this is my companys com. i dont think i'm supposed to be doing this.

Monday, November 11, 2002

Well in enlightened Singapore when you visit someone of the other gender in NTU and NUS in their rooms, you need to leave the room door open. And you can be kicked out of there for having the door closed and eating lunch. Has happened.

That's why we have 2 hr rooms in Geylang :)

I might not be able to go. Slavery, remember? 13th is GP, so I'll be doing my work.

I did an essay yesterday and one during lunch today. Probably will do one more later.

Anime's evil.

No no! Wait til I get back from Aussie!!! It's only 3 more weeks!!!

Singapore is interesting and yes, the heat kills. UK!! UK!! I wanna go to the UK too!!! My lucky sister is in Valencia and she doesn't want to go home. Haha. *sigh* Haha, the saying that the grass is greener on the other side is so true! In Australia, it depends on where you are. But life in Australia gets so slow sometimes that your brain just go numb. Makes you feel that you're regressing.. Argh! I don't wanna regress!!

Sunday, November 10, 2002

I find singapore really interesting. just that its TOO HOT!!!

Oh god....
was just watching the traveller's prog again....
My heart aches...
I want to travel. I want to see the world!!!
This time it was Dublin, Ireland. They were introducing all the pubs and all. Let me taste the Guiness! Let me dance the irish dance! Let me be a hopping leprechaun, celebrate St Pat's day or whatever! It looks like such fun!
I'm sick of boring Singapore.
Take me to someplace interesting!!!

I am terribly amused. Was watching a CNA prog talking about the modern Chinese in China's views on sex and virginity. Apparently some of their universities don't allow the students to engage in any sexual intimacy. The males' ICs have to be left at the girls' dorm's doors before they enter, and no visiting after 8 pm. These are 23 year olds we're talking about. Shouldn't most people be married with kids by this time? And yet they are still so concentrated on this sort of nitty gritty details. Action is even taken if the 23 year olds are found to have been engaging in sexual contact. Rubbish? Or just a great difference in values?
But then the modern Chinese themselves don't bother with the rules. They get around them. They don't see anything wrong with any of it. So? What does that say about their society?

WHICH tuesday are you talking about ken?
What's winter sonata about? Was it on tv?
If a guy were to resort to dirty tactics, he'd prob not be able to get hold of the mate he wants for long anyway.

Tuesday comes after monday.
I think I'll do something on monday so it'll have to be tuesday. or maybe wednesday.

I'm not sure of who to invite really.
Probably everyone from the blog?

No I didn't get chobits.

Was just watching winter sonata... really nice. I'm going to be a gentlemanly lover, and not resort to dirty tactics to get the mate I want. Mmmmzzz... too bad the person hasn't appeared.

Which Tuesday are you talking about? If you're talking about the 19th it'll be good. On the 12th is feasible but I did agree to popping by the child care centre to help adela during comm service.
So who's coming ?? =) The list so far is just Gabriel and me. More people leh. Who else are you inviting? Adela? Anyone else from this blog interested in anime?
Overnight? Yesyesyes...but parents.....I don't know what they'll think. Overnight in any guy's house without parental governance would certainly raise their eyebrows. I don't dare suggest that. Sigh. If you all want overnighters then come to my place lah...or they'll kill me.
And what are we watching? =) Did you manage to download chobits???

Well... then
would you rather next week or next next week?
lets have it on Tuesday.
parents going overseas on friday. so if you people want overnighters it'll be next week.

*poke poke*
Don't be that way... Yechao won't be there anyway. It'll just be us friends all getting together to have some fun. Gabriel's been looking forward to it too.
I really need something to take my mind off things. Please. Can't we just have it? 'coz if you don't, then I will, and the only animes I have are Fushigii Yuugi, Ah my Goddess; and other VCDs like The Virgin Suicides and Disney Princess stuff, which all of you will die watching.
So please, can't we just have it?

You're definitely not the main culprit to my perspectives on the world. That is just myself and the way I am, past occurences and experiences mold you into who you are. But I'm changing...
I'm glad that I met you. I've told Gabriel before, it's not easy for me to find friends who I can connect with, so I'm glad I met you. Never regretted that, never will.
"Screwed up girl" is a farce. It's the "happy side"of me that I show the world in order to get by...It's a Jekyll and Hyde story.
Everyone in this world has their own Jekylls and Hydes.

I think that society's changing and that soon guys would like private journals too. Look at Balderdash and you'd see what I mean.
Or perhaps little girls are more mature than little boys, thus they find an appeal in reflecting or jotting down occurences in their journals, unlike little boys.