Missed yest's and today's forum and papers will be cancelled when parents are overseas. What letters did you all send in? Through train?
Oh no! Surveys! I think I'll do them just to piss people off. Here goes:
stuff I keep on my bed:
Camp bed: 2 pillows
Home bed: Blue Bear, 2 pillows. Some books/Economist sometimes
I'm a spartan kind of guy.
stuff I keep on my nightstand:
Nothing. All on the floor. Wallet, watch, handphone maybe.
CDs that are in easy reach at all times:
Own few. I use my mp3 collection.
stuff that I do every morning:
Camp: Go to toilet, brush (sometimes), change and go for breakfast if I'm feeling up to it and don't want to sleep more, come back, do area cleaning, go to the Medical Centre/roll call
Home: Go to toilet. Pretty much it - rest of the day's free and easy
stuff that I put on my face every morning: nothing
stuff that I have in my handbag [NB: This is such a girl-y survey. Notice the questions]: Book(s), Economist, tissue paper, keys, water bottle, charger, ubiquitous pen, notebook and paper, thermometer + red pen (for work)
story behind my username(s):
gssq = Gabriel Seah Shu Qi
story behind my nicknames:
Kimberly = The Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from 1993-1995
Agagooga = A codeword for and part of Mrs Lim Yau's secret name
longest time i've stayed out of the country/where:
Plaak? 2 weeks?
The Island of Doom (Pulau Tekong)? 12 1/2 days? I don't consider it part of the country.
one thing i'm grateful for today:
Blue Bear is still with me after 16 years
favorite high school memory:
Screaming my lungs out
dream wedding:
None. I support cohabitation.
favorite quote:
my first heartbreak happened when i was...:
school picture buried in my bottom drawer:
Don't bother to go see.
weird preferences:
Plenty. More than you could name *mysteriously* None that come to mind readily. Pity.
one thing I'll never understand about the opposite sex:
Why they are so screwed up (See How Girls Waste Time)
TV character I'd most want to be:
See Origins of my nick
would like to be a guest on...:
Power Rangers In Space
weird sleeping habits:
Sleeping on my stomach?
summer plans for 2003?:
Continue as PES C9L2 ;)
favorite song right now :
None. The last one was Faure's Pavane iirc
line from any song :
Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saculum in favilla:
Teste David cum Sibylla.
Quantus tremor est futurus.
Quando judex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus!
disney songs known by heart:
A few. But Disney's GROSSLY overrated.
dream house:
A cubicle ;)
favorite pair of shoes:
The A$199 Adidas one I got in Australia.
first five things I'd splurge on if I was a billionaire:
A Byzantine mosaic for my house, funky computer stuff, gold bound edition of Gibbon's Decline And Fall (?)
weirdest/funniest nickname anyone has ever called me:
Emperor Penguin. Supposedly contributed by the Humanz classes in RJ 1 year below me
three favorite cartoon characters right at this second:
Gargamel from the Smurfs, Skeletor from He-Man, the girl from F3
magazines I read on a regular basis:
The Economist
nine things I wear daily:
None, really.
eight movies I'd watch over and over :
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: the Movie, Conman in Tokyo...
seven albums that matter:
None that I can name
six things I touch everyday:
This is a dumb question. I'm getting disgruntled. How about: a mandrake, girls' knickers, day old elephant dung, ambrosia, pigs' trotters and the Kabaa?
five things I do everyday :
Communicate with the phone/handphone, read, do weird eccentric stuff
four bands that I couldn't live without :
I hate bands.
two people that have influenced my life the most:
My sister. Tim?
one thing I could spend the rest of my life with:
Blue Bear
yesterday I...:
Booked out at 4:30pm. Yeah. And bought $45 of pirated CDs, for the first time in a long time. Since last Dec even.
today I...:
Covered my battalion run at East Coast.
tomorrow I will...:
Play Age of Wonders 2
five snacks I enjoy:
Cadbury's Creme Eggs, Kettle Herb and Spice Flavour, Ben & Jerry's Heath Bar Crunch, Spring Rolls
things I can't live without:
Blue Bear, a computer, intellectual stimulation, talking to people et al
my top five guilty pleasures:
Stroking Blue Bear's paw, giggling hysterically, blogging overmuch. Erm.
top locations I want to run away to:
Somewhere where I won't be a slave. And with no Halal food.
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