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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Saturday, November 30, 2002

Missed yest's and today's forum and papers will be cancelled when parents are overseas. What letters did you all send in? Through train?

Oh no! Surveys! I think I'll do them just to piss people off. Here goes:

stuff I keep on my bed:
Camp bed: 2 pillows
Home bed: Blue Bear, 2 pillows. Some books/Economist sometimes
I'm a spartan kind of guy.

stuff I keep on my nightstand:
Nothing. All on the floor. Wallet, watch, handphone maybe.

CDs that are in easy reach at all times:
Own few. I use my mp3 collection.

stuff that I do every morning:
Camp: Go to toilet, brush (sometimes), change and go for breakfast if I'm feeling up to it and don't want to sleep more, come back, do area cleaning, go to the Medical Centre/roll call
Home: Go to toilet. Pretty much it - rest of the day's free and easy

stuff that I put on my face every morning: nothing

stuff that I have in my handbag [NB: This is such a girl-y survey. Notice the questions]: Book(s), Economist, tissue paper, keys, water bottle, charger, ubiquitous pen, notebook and paper, thermometer + red pen (for work)

story behind my username(s):
gssq = Gabriel Seah Shu Qi

story behind my nicknames:
Kimberly = The Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from 1993-1995
Agagooga = A codeword for and part of Mrs Lim Yau's secret name

longest time i've stayed out of the country/where:
Plaak? 2 weeks?
The Island of Doom (Pulau Tekong)? 12 1/2 days? I don't consider it part of the country.

one thing i'm grateful for today:
Blue Bear is still with me after 16 years

favorite high school memory:
Screaming my lungs out

dream wedding:
None. I support cohabitation.

favorite quote:

my first heartbreak happened when i was...:

school picture buried in my bottom drawer:
Don't bother to go see.

weird preferences:
Plenty. More than you could name *mysteriously* None that come to mind readily. Pity.

one thing I'll never understand about the opposite sex:
Why they are so screwed up (See How Girls Waste Time)

TV character I'd most want to be:
See Origins of my nick

would like to be a guest on...:
Power Rangers In Space

weird sleeping habits:
Sleeping on my stomach?

summer plans for 2003?:
Continue as PES C9L2 ;)

favorite song right now :
None. The last one was Faure's Pavane iirc

line from any song :
Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saculum in favilla:
Teste David cum Sibylla.

Quantus tremor est futurus.
Quando judex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus!

disney songs known by heart:
A few. But Disney's GROSSLY overrated.

dream house:
A cubicle ;)

favorite pair of shoes:
The A$199 Adidas one I got in Australia.

first five things I'd splurge on if I was a billionaire:
A Byzantine mosaic for my house, funky computer stuff, gold bound edition of Gibbon's Decline And Fall (?)

weirdest/funniest nickname anyone has ever called me:
Emperor Penguin. Supposedly contributed by the Humanz classes in RJ 1 year below me

three favorite cartoon characters right at this second:
Gargamel from the Smurfs, Skeletor from He-Man, the girl from F3

magazines I read on a regular basis:
The Economist

nine things I wear daily:
None, really.

eight movies I'd watch over and over :
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: the Movie, Conman in Tokyo...

seven albums that matter:
None that I can name

six things I touch everyday:
This is a dumb question. I'm getting disgruntled. How about: a mandrake, girls' knickers, day old elephant dung, ambrosia, pigs' trotters and the Kabaa?

five things I do everyday :
Communicate with the phone/handphone, read, do weird eccentric stuff

four bands that I couldn't live without :
I hate bands.

two people that have influenced my life the most:
My sister. Tim?

one thing I could spend the rest of my life with:
Blue Bear

yesterday I...:
Booked out at 4:30pm. Yeah. And bought $45 of pirated CDs, for the first time in a long time. Since last Dec even.

today I...:
Covered my battalion run at East Coast.

tomorrow I will...:
Play Age of Wonders 2

five snacks I enjoy:
Cadbury's Creme Eggs, Kettle Herb and Spice Flavour, Ben & Jerry's Heath Bar Crunch, Spring Rolls

things I can't live without:
Blue Bear, a computer, intellectual stimulation, talking to people et al

my top five guilty pleasures:
Stroking Blue Bear's paw, giggling hysterically, blogging overmuch. Erm.

top locations I want to run away to:
Somewhere where I won't be a slave. And with no Halal food.


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