"You know you really love someone when you feel jealous seeing her having fun with someone else." --are you sure? i guess that'd be the possessiveness coming into play, yeah. but what if you were happy that she's happy? (pardon the grammar) isn't that a deeper sort of love?
i agree that walking's important. it helps me sort my thoughts out, at least. --in the past there was more time between events (no telephone, no cars, etc) and hence i guess there was more time for -other- stuff to flourish. more time for others, more time for yourself, more time to develop, to enjoy life, etc.
when do you know when you really love someone? think of all the married couples who end up divorced--is that because they never loved each other in the first place or is it because love is like this creation that has to be constantly maintained and serviced? i guess possessiveness is a sign of love, yeah, in a way--maybe if you're only willing to trust yourself to take care of that person. hence the possessiveness. when does jealousy kick into action?
i'm not someone who dreams a lot. or if i do, i don't remember. i had the occasional nightmare as a child, yes, and those nonsensical dreams too, as well as the snippet dreams. this year though i've had two startlingly vivid dreams, which was really surprising. it's not so much the events in the dreams that made that deep an impression on me, but rather the emotions in the dreams, which were really -really- strong. moreover i haven't ever experienced similar emotions in day-life. it was quite scary. then there was this other time when i woke up in the middle of the night crying. i don't remember if i was dreaming then, though i suppose i must have been.
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