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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Well just heard that the lockers in school were broken into yesterday, wondering how bad it is... Geraldine dear will be going down to see how bad it is. If its really bad, I'll go down and cover the event. I think photographic records will be important clues as to which items belong where, and how bad the damage is, and may help in discovering any clues. But I suppose the councillors and admin probably didn't think of that, and whatever clues there would have been destroyed already.

Lockers are really private things. I'd personally hate it if the most private posessions I have in my locker were exposed to the world, and they'll be people flipping through my stuff. Thoughts really horrible to consider. I was all thinking last night, on the walk home, how it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, that I didn't use the locker I booked that I couldn't find. Really, what drives these people to do such things.

But on a deeper level, and a more honest level, I suppose I'll be really interested to be there, to flip through other people's things, no matter how much I know and believe it may be wrong. Its a voyeuristic thrill, all the inner thoughts of people suddenly exposed in plain view. All the questions, and secrets, and relationships that you were previously unaware of, all the images and times in those peoples' lives where you weren't there. All the people you don't know, but know alot better now, after flipping through their possessions.

Its the freedom from having to confide in them, from having to build trust, and the ability to see their innermost thoughts and secrets that's empowering. Its the patching of clues, the images of people posed or otherwise, that allows you to integrate that person into your circle in life, without the burden of having to dig out that person's history from talking to her. Its the images of times past, like the old history exercises we used to do, to figure out what was there, what wasn't there, what's missing, and to fill in the gaps. Like Sherlock Holmes,


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