oh right. aren't you? if so why can u post today?
patience, patience. people are at cap lah.
if we dont' do something about it this blog is surely goign to die around about now
Oh. How did I get invited onto this blog? *blur look*
Anyway. With regard to [some of] the last 5 notes... quite sadly the only movie i've watched in ages is ep2. And I thought that there were a lot of questions that were left unanswered at the end. (Or maybe it's just me.) In a sense, it didn't seem very tight/ logical. But the jokes and puns and so forth were -wonderful-. :) They were really brilliant. (Or at least the ones that C3PO uttered.)
Another thing about A.I. I remember thinking, near the end of the film, that the Mummy's special day thing was really, really odd. Rather Oedipal. You can't miss the overtones.
Downhere, you're talking about the film and I'm talking about the book. The book was written by Nabokov; the screenplay for the 1997 Adrian Lyne film wasn't. Therefore the movie did not capture Nabokov's work in its entirety. I hope that clears up some of the tragic, comic confusion. :)
Didn't like A.I. either. That was the last time I trusted professional movie reviews. Eurrrh.
AI had a whole overindulgent last half an hour. i hated the whole "mummy's special day" sequence. all the good film makers are getting old and sentimental. i think jude law was the best part of the movie too =) unfortunately he wasn't around in the last bit to make it slightly more bearable. i liked the future robots though. and their.... space ship?
I recently watched Empire Strikes Back ( have I said that already?) and I think its his best work... He should have done them all in one sitting and not drag it for 20 years. Now it seems like he's old and befuddled and too engrossed with technology and all those effects. The SCRIPT old boy~... The prequels need a Han Solo. Harrison Ford was really good at leading the audience throught the momentous events in Empire Strikes Back. and there weren't any extra events. Everything was tight. Episode 2 was tighter than episode 1 by a megaparsec... but it still had extras... that I love thee poetry~... the snow speeder with Imperial March in the background. Count Dooku looking like he just finished filming Harry Potter... mounts the speeder like a broomstick.
In the movie... HH felt more like a person burning with desire for young flesh... demonic and vulnerable at the same time. He doesn't want his secret to be leaked, thus he needs the girl... yet the girl is drawing away from him at the same time as she grows up, he can't let her go... and yet she's no longer the type he wants. Its tragic sure... but where's the comedy?
Haha this blog is degenerating into movie reviews. Let me review a VJC choir concert.
The concert started out shakily, first song sounded lifeless , over enthusiastic soprano who happens to be really good but too loud, pathetic bass, guys haven't warmed up yet, and the rest were just okay... second song was an improvement, great sense of tempo, still the balance problems, and the third finally made them get their act together. Same balance problems, girls STILL louder than guys but less pronounced. Overall cohesiveness very good, great mixing.. could hardly differentiate individual voices except at the sibilances.
The year by year ones were good. Very good. Guys had to sing louder cos they were greatly outnumbered for the Year ones but they did their best and the total balance was finally perfect. The dance movements were really cute, and the guys were very sporting, making weird actions according to the lyrics. Song title was "Lets do it" a song about love~ cute.
Year 2s were very good. Equal gender mix, good balance, strong bass for the first time. Nice song, "Fallen Leaves" by Nat king cole rearranged by a someone... beautiful song~ not much dance... but the positioning and the postures were artistically pleasing.. giving a sense of sadness. Yet hope when they walked about in the end.
After the interval, they performed a musical!!! and it was VERY good. with everyone dressed like they were going for halloween... Took some time for me to recognize them before and after. Very cute dancing. Very well choreographed... and the sense of happiness and cohesiveness they showed on stage wuz infectious. The audience really enjoyed it.. and I clapped rather loudly myself. They got more and more into their roles as the musical progressed, and it affected their singing... making it even sweeter than before... even though they were doing all sorts of motions, crawling on the ground etc. Extremely Extremely good. I felt very jealous there in the theatre that a CCA could be so great.
Ended with no man's an island... nice song...I'd buy the tape if there wuz one or a VCD... its that good.
*chortles* Yeah Ep2's lines were truly anal. Especially Anakin's. Anal Anakin. He was consistently cringe-inducing. And Natalie Portman seems to have substituted real acting for a costume change in every scene. I thought she was a stage actor!! The Star Wars prequels seemed to suck the life out of everyone except Liam Neeson who can act with his eyes closed (and does. when Qui-Gon dies.).
H.H. is really quite tragic. He's tragicomic. Lolita drives him crazy. It's paedophilia but it's also unrequited love. It's a really nice book... Nabokov is a writer of beautiful prose. He claimed he did even better in Russian but I have no way of checking that out.
Spielberg is rather overly sentimental. I thought the best thing in A.I. was Jude Law but then maybe that's because I don't prefer young boys. *wink*
All right, person-who-doesn't-want-name-to-be-mentioned, but names aren't used to
control. It's like saying my taking your photograph would put your soul in my possession. Please don't be melodramatic. How else would people know they're being addressed??
anakin sucked. so did everyone's lines. "please, do not let that kiss become a scar" "they were like animals. i killed them like animals" "i love you. i truly, deeply, love you" (with the last comma!) what the hell?!
Who's the tragic hero anyway? The perv scheming french teacher??? Lolita? Is there even a hero? Their relationship is just a crush gone wrong... sad really... I wuz very touched when I saw Lolita pregnant and married. Beats me why.
Episode 2's nice. Watched it twice in a week. If anybody's catching it I suggest you watch it at Cineleisure. They have the digital sound system that makes the soundtrack wonderful. I stayed for the entire credits. All of 10 mins to listen to the music. The show itself is rather ho-hum. The extras were really extra. Notice them fighting and you'll see them swinging at imaginary threats. Natalie Portman was BEAUTIFUL. and for once her costumes were appealing. I hate the Hayden guy. Hate his funny accent and the way he delivers the script. Kinda like he wuz in deep freeze or something. Drawling out every single word.
Yeah I like young girls. At least all the girls I like are still young. You'd be shocked right if they were any older? : ) being 18's not that far from 17. and fifteen's not that far either. Poll: Who agrees with me that girls are most attractive at 15? Its that transition between a lower secondary and upper secondary. Before the false idea that you're grown up takes root, and after you've come to terms with adolescence and somewhat stabilized. In JC people just go crazy.
You've watched both? I watched Clockwork Orange just to get a feel of Stanley Kubrick? 's style... wanted to compare it with AI... and it wuz rather shocking. Kubrick treats the camera with such coldness. Emotionless. Spielberg wuz almost the sun in comparison in AI.
Sere, you can leave my name out really~ as in... I don't like to see my name typed out. Or my nick. Find it so cold and foreign. Read somewhere that people always say out names as a form of exercising control. Hey Kenneth, don't do that. Kenneth~ Kenneth~ Bleahs.
Well I've spewed enough... just wanna wish everyone here happy hols. A week ago today seemed so far away.
oh yeah, 'nother thing. if that huge list of people on the blog actually start typing things in here, this blog may get more interesting. and then again it might not. but it's worth a try.
Who's bitching? *bright smile*
I'm sure my original point was to gently rib Downhere about his preference for young girls. Now, in this context, I think it quite relevant who the tragic hero in Lolita is, because he too has a preference for young girls. It wasn't intended as mere superfluous literary pretention. What I find superfluous are the labels of so-called-more-intelligent and not-so-bright. Let's not diss people who aren't even here to defend themselves. :)
i thought blog was a rather good name, once i found out it was a kind of "weblog" "we blog" pun thing. before that i thought it just sounded stupid. oh well. will the nameless people stop turning this blog into an insultfeste? better a dead blog than a bitchy blog. actually i think who the tragic hero is in lolita, which i will not pretend to have read/watched/whatever, is more of a triviality than what not-so-bright people talk about. although i do find talking to not-so-bright people about marginally more relevant things more boring.
All right, Downhere, if it pleases you; but Downhere sounds vaguely obscene. My GP tutor thinks that A Clockwork Orange the movie was boring and that the book was more exciting; I agree with her on the latter. I thought Watership Down was a freaky book - but that may have been an after-effect of seeing killer rabbits on King Arthur & The Holy Grail.
Over-generalisations make people resentful (and that was one. haha.). I'm sure the socalledmoreintelligent people will maintain their friendships with whoever they bloody well please.
reawakening. at last. how iggytremendous.
how about childlike people who hop about with antennae and claim to be closet pink elephants when pushed to describe an animal they resemble? "bright eyes" makes me think of rabbits. it's the theme song by Art Garfunkel for Watership Down (the movie).
i think blogs sound like chunky foam pillows. large blocks of styrofoam. something solid but not hard. i can't always tolerate not-very-bright people. when i want to spout cheem they say i'm being weird, and then when i'm not talking they seem to feel silence is oppressive and want to talk and talk and talk about trivialities.
does anybody like Thornton Wilder's "Our Town"? i seem to get entirely mixed and extreme reactions: a sampling: "i loved it" and "i hated it" being the most common. i suppose that's vaguely relevant to this because there's a
not quite sublimal message of "live life and love life" to the whole play.
i've rambled enough.
[oho he's actually right. i know scarcely any of you people and hardly any of you know me. how remarkable.]
Nahz I watched Lolita instead. Didn't know he wuz called Humbert Humbert. Anyone has the older movie? The new movie isn't very good. Its on my harddisk if anyone wants it... together with A Clockwork Orange.
Humbert Humbert = tragic hero of Nabakov's 'Lolita'
"don't watch english programmes"
don't read that many books too, eh?
Humbert Humbert = Jap pop group? or Comedians?
Sorry~ don't watch english programmes.
Anyway~ on the topic of Jap pop groups. Check out Morning Musume... its some pop group that has more member turnovers then they have songs. Some avenue for 14-16 yr old jap singer/model/actress wannabes to strut their stuff. I've 2 of their MTVs. Hilarious stuff. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I like childlike people. I think people today, especially the so called more intelligent ones don't have that sparkle in their eyes anymore. They look so sick of life. To overgeneralize... I'd rather make friends with not-so-intelligent people so to speak. They spend more time maintaining friendships, which at the end of the day are really what matters...
I object to being referred to as Kenneth. Really. I don't know your names so its only fair you pretend you don't know mine.
Wen En still has a face. Have I not superb self-control? I'm sure malodorous (which is the correct spelling, my dear pedantic boy) excretions sometimes think they're very sophisticated, too. It's the difference between perception and reality. *lofty grin* And Kenneth, our very own resident Humbert Humbert, sounds like he's seen them all.
I think girls were prettiest at 15. Sophistication kills the fun as much as age does. And all the other trappings of age.
I think blog is a good word... used to think it was an abbreviation of Bitch Log... which isn't totally far from the truth, judging from the 392,239,857 people bitching away every day.
A thought~
"Not that I have anything against fourteen-year-olds. I think I was one for a while."
i resist the urge to say "not mentally. not yet." have i not superb self-control?
anyway, i fail to see how something can sound like a maladorous excretion and yet still scream sophistication.
We must learn to distinguish between death and narcolepsy.
Blog is such an ugly word.
Online journal smacks of pretention but at least it's as utilitarian as you get; it doesn't act cute and it doesn't sound like the gaseous excretions of some odious (odorous) life form.
Blog screams, Look at me I'm so sophisticated and depressed just like all the other 392,239,857 fourteen-year-olds on blogger.com!
Not that I have anything against fourteen-year-olds. I think I was one for a while.
this blog is dying.
that was quite fast.
jamin, cap veteran: i was only there in 2000, but i'm really pretty sure it was eusoff hall then
CAP was at:
1998: Eusoff Hall
1999: Raffles Hall
2000: Yusoff Ishak Hall
2001: Kent Ridge Hall
2002: Eusoff Hall
This year, the hall to be lodging in would be Raffles Hall. That's because everything will be held in the Centre for the Arts, Right next to it - AS7, where CAP workshops used to be held, has privatised and now charges thousands per day for room usage. And sponsorship is hard to find these days. : P
I'll be at raffles hall too I think... tho I'm not in CAP.
wanted to join... just that it'll clash with SRP. Which if you do well in you would get a scholarship for.
Dinosaur spine, actually. With very very steep ridges. Kent Ridge as a matter of fact.
you want to be at eusof hall. if you are lodging in raffles hall you will come up with new curse words everyday to damn the layout of the campus. NUS is built on a square; traipsing from one corner (raffles hall), up the hill down the hill, to the other corner (LT13 and the arts centre), isn't one of the nicest ways to begin your day.
hnh. can't remember what hall we were in.
i think nurul, sec3, is dropping out too, can't remember why...
mebbe it wasnt her.
ooh i'm coming for the opening ceremony i think...
not too keen on facing hpf but i wanta see the show. ;)
and friends, of course.
have i told y'all about theegotripped. we're getting rather desperate.
claire! send me stuff....
have all the caps after 2000 been at eusof or raffles hall?
i do. er, ying sze, sec 2. because of rgs nite.
and surprisingly ( or not, really ) i have nothing else to say.
ack. another cap-question:
does anyone know any-person (secondary/jc) that's withdrawing from CAP this year?
& this is to all cap people. or the councillors or whatever. -
do we need to wear school uniforms for saturday's briefing?
Just rewatched Battle Royale. If someone needs a summary of the movie, and what its about ask and I'll post. I assume most here have watched it, tho its R(A) last year but that ain't gonna stop us right?
How many of our so called leaders are predators? How many of the people taking the top spots in RJ today are people that will turn around and kill us all if the game becomes one of life and death? How many of our new friends in RJ can we trust with our lives? Can you even trust yourself to do the right thing and not kill if it comes to it? Or kill others because its a game rule and refraining from thinking about the consequences? BTW, running away is not an answer because the game takes place on an island with danger zones that slowly make the players move to the center of the map.
If it comes to it... I'd build traps and just hold people there. Isn't that like our government? Keep the criminals in jail and leave them to rot while society moves on. But at least... the aggressors are prevented from doing more harm... Leave fate to decide the end result of the game.
I'll screen it for interested people in common test week.
That's not existentialism. Existentialism is about individual choice and responsibility. Not about wondering whether things really exist. That's doing drugs. I shall get off my soapbox and stop being p3dantic now.
this is getting way too existential
who knows? and even if they think they know, do they really? is there only perception, not reality? is everything 'maya', illusion?
um, just how many charles gohs have pass through the portals of rjc?
'What's love got to do with it?'
Nah. I think anger is much stronger.
cap results (for the jc people. well. rj anyway.) came out today. :)
zihua, annabella, me, steffy, siu qey, tang-wen-en, gan liping (or is it liting), shiling (yayy!), clarence, charles goh.
ten rj people.
judith: in reply to the heeroyuy thing, the whole musical was based on this guy.
as in, dawn knew him and 'created' 'wilson' after wilson.
star wars. whatever.
Just realized I dunno nearly everybody here... lets just keep it that way.
Sad these days because the Love theme for Episode 2 is so haunting... Love is such a powerful emotion.
ok you know what? I am
seriously NOT a star wars fan. :P
eww. i just offended a star wars fan today by referring to the gungan race as the "jar jar binkS". i've never been so mauled in my life. ah well. and light sabres don't make any physical sense, although it's not the best thing to say to star war fans, from my unextensive experience.
I was thinking along the lines of
"Meesa feel the force~" Jumps around with ears waggling, switches on lightsaber, swings it around, and goes "Wheeeeeee~!" *puke*
yeah its been humid, hot and stifling. Just worser than worse.
Yoda's not Gungan, he's green and slightly hairy, like a Jim Henson experiment gone awry. Yes it's probably the ears. It's the only thing that explains why Camilla is going with Prince Charles. But then she looks like a horse herself. < /bitch> 'Oh God, if it's not the weather/ hand me my leather.' Did anyone else notice the infernal weather (in Singapore) today?
Gungan Jedi Knights!!!!???? Jedi are supposed to be found in every race or something.
For the uninitiated - Gungan happens to be Jar Jar Bink's race.
no, it's the ears isn't it? and the grammar?
Sexy Yoda --> green leather fetish. Haha.
"jedi knights are sexy" -- even yoda?
!! someone actually added a "wilson chew" with email address heeroyuy@hotmail.com? you mean the rgs nite musical has become such a serious affair that someone's actually taken on her persona, or was it based on someone real and an odd coincidence has occurred?
haha. jedi knights are sexy.
how stuffy. btw, any rmun ppl (i mean organising people) out there: do you realise how -impossible- it is to get tnt costumes in singapore? the best we can manage is probably a weird confection of indian and malay trinkets, and we most -certainly- are -not- going to resort to grass skirts, so don't blame us if we turn up as coffee beans or whatever produce they have, which i'm looking up now.
*end whine*
I think we wear clothes cos the rest of the world is too dirty.
i recall my lit teacher saying something about how victorians used to cover up piano and table legs, on the idea that they'd tempt men. I'd pity the men really... at least their society didn't need viagra to keep the men happy.
I think you guys have watched too much anime and thought too little.
this blog has come of age! (my yardstick being that the first anti-pap little comment has been made right under this entry unless someone's typing at the same time as me) i haven't seen the video, but it sure sounds interesting and enigmatic, which is fine by me. i watched i not stupid (impressive literary achievement!) again (!!) today cos xuwen forced me to go again. actually not forced, i didn't really mind. the last time i went my little brother (age 8) cried through the whole thing. i think the three little boys are very cute =)
i suppose everyone likes to think of the world as something which had a time pocket full of idealism and romantic scenarios. middle ages would be a good example. doesn't help with all the hollywood images about them, too. but it's not true. as someone sometime said, put just two people together on a desert island, and you'll have politics already (and maybe sex. hrm.)
speaking of birthday suits. at the rate we're going, in another twenty years ppl won't be wearing anyhthing. (ref street fashions of young people nowadays *stares over rim of glasses*) and it probably wouldn't make the slightest difference. i'll bet in those muslim countries where they make women wear the burquar and assorted conservative clothing they'd be titilated by an ankle. i mean, what's so sexy about arms and legs? or hair, for that matter. it's a matter of social norms. it's the taboo that tempts, not specific body parts, methinks.
there's always air to reckon with. the menacing thought of the inevitable gravity between any two masses, no matter what size, reminds us that as humans we at least have little enough gravitational force between each other to keep ourselves from smashing around like billiard balls. being as insignificantly massive as we are, what's the need for skin-shields? friction, earth's gravity, clothes and self control will do.
no, i'm not making much sense to myself either.
why should we infiltrate PAP? [fyi, i'm one of the most successfully indoctrinated examples of propagandized Singaporean schoolchildren.]
Changing URLs like that is rather unseemly. It's like changing your address without telling anyone else the forwarding address. And what is in filtrate pap anyway? (chem prac today.)
If bare skin were the only thing separating humans, some of us should get very, very worried. Anyhow the analogy of skin-as-shield seems a bit iffy. Skin is more of a contact surface than a shield. If it were armour, we wouldn't have been provided with a few million* nerve endings in the dermis.
*Approximation. For exact figure, RTFM.
well, if other people have no interest in seeing your birthday suit, it isn't solely their problem.
Perhaps skin is in itself a sort of armour. One that protects our tender innards against the weather and harmful bacteria and viruses out to kill us, as well as a figurative shield between humans. Anyone here watched Evangelion? In EVA, men are found to be separate because of an Absolute Terror Field, abbreviated AT Field. Its a force that humans generate to keep each other separate, in terms of different bodies, different thoughts, different emotions.
Bare skin exerts the same effect as the AT field does it not? Somehow in our psychology, the viewing of birthday suits causes us to decide at that exact instant to run away or to run toward. Its sad, that the reason why we wear clothes is to appear civilized, so that we can tolerate the appearance of other people we have no interest in seeing the birthday suits of.
And by drawing a logical conclusion. Green Leaves (the band) appeals to me because they have discarded the cloths, that they are willing to appear before the audience as they are, and let the audience decide.
dinsdag and donderdag, dutch reindeer.
ho ho ho.
ho ho ho.
see what I've done to the webpage.
i changed the url and apperently the language is now dutch.
hm. chivalry? perhaps 'knights' is not quite the right analogy.
"logical fallacies": False Analogy!
doing it for english. :|
though admittedly it does take much confidence to prance around naked.
what is the world coming to? is this a realization of absurdist interpretation? naked men prancing confidently about yelling nonsense. oh. that's supposed to represent empowerment.
if i imagine the Green Leaves' brainstorming session:
"let's all be free and empowered. let's scream 'yatta yatta yatta!' and leap about in public in our birthday suits."
"sweet! we can make money out of it too!"
"we're going to be famous!"
"what a great idea!"
yay for them and my deepest sympathies to the rest of the world.
i think chivalry and nakedness are far enough apart. chivalry -> knights -> heavy armor, which definitely not -> nakedness. and that's just in a very literal sense. there must have been some 'good guys' - idealists? - among the knights, though. at least enough to uphold their reputation and keep it from tarnishing.
oh well. enough cynicism from me today. there'll be other days, and other cynics too.
[ war doesn't determine who is right. it determines who is left.] ahh. cheem.
I somehow fail to see the link between chivalry and nakedness, or chivalry and confidence for that matter.
I'm certain that if you look to the crusades, you'll hardly find "valiant courageous knights in battle armour"; rather, you'll be looking at dressed up sellswords and bandits roped into a brutal invasion under the pretext of religion. If you examine the middle ages, you'll find (alas alack not the romanticised images Kenneth there so happily embraces, but rather) a vicious series of plundering expeditions gone awry by the arrival of other plunderers leading to the 'inspirational' battles they held...
[as a completely out-of-point sidenote, did you know the poignard - from which root the word poignant is also derived - was a small, sharp dagger used to kill knights who were trapped in their armour on the battlefield?]
I think that claiming Yatta is "about empowerment" is like saying The Powerpuff Girls are about universal franchise and the brother(or maybe sister would be more appropriate to the context)hood of man/woman/boy/girl(s). Undoubtedly they
could be, but it's a stretch of the subject matter. I think "total lack of intelligence" comes a lot closer to describing that particular video.
and "Singaporean men lack confidence" is a horrific generalisation. I don't see myself lacking confidence, and am relatively certain I am male (unless life is but a dream as I row row row my boat...)...
*enigmatic pause*
[as a not-so-out-of-point-but-still-pretty-bad footnote, Video Killed The Radio Star.]
Downhere; 'alot' should be written correctly as 'a lot'
I watched it another two times today. Yatta's about empowerment... against all odds and common sensibilities. That song happens to be Triple Platinum in Japan, and highly infectious I might add... It either takes alot of courage or a total lack of intelligence to prance around half naked shouting inspirational messages, and looking so confident while doing it.
I think they embody a certain type of man long gone. The valiant courageous knights in battle armour, fighting for happiness and acceptance and whimsicality in the altogether far to critical and cynical today. In the face of adversity, with people losing jobs and all, Japan being in its deepest recession yet, Green Leaves have found and struck gold by sheer creative thought, courage and willpower. I'm sure they're role models for the men of Singapore, especially those budding entrepreneurs out there.
Singaporean men lack confidence. Myself included. Sighz~
The Prime Minister's Secretary sidestepped my question. And my follow up question & clarification. I should have quizzed him about arts. Like... when was the last time you watched a play/movie/concert. Of course... he would probably have answered, "President's Star Charity."
And I know I'd have died right there and then laughing.
Try HMV. They have all kinds of stuff there, like all 5 seasons of Babylon 5 on VCD. (I want.)
question: where can i get 'yes, prime minister' episodes on vcd?
[Rough Transcript of Lyrics to Yatta (from memory):]
"It's so easy!"
"Happy Go Lucky!"
"Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta"
[repeat as required, ad nauseum]
Apparently Yatta means "I did it!" What five (or was it 6) mostly naked men with fake fig leaves covering their genitalia have done, corporately or otherwise, is beyond my wildest imaginings/nightmares. I hope this ruins your life as it has so many others.
boo hoo. Even thinking about it makes me unhappy.
Monty Python: at video rental stores. Look under comedy (British). Normally you'll find it next to the Fawlty Towers, Yes Minister and Blackadder.
I don't think Dance will take kindly to a horde of almost naked males storming their stage. Nope.
Use client www.edonkey2000.com
Use Edonkey bot... search in google.
I just downloaded 7gb worth of movies.
actually, it would be better if you did it on the PETS worksheets with lines. then you can improve your handwriting too. two birds. one stone. squish.
yes, yes, i got the message. *writes 'pedantic' over and over again on primary-school exercise-book-paper*
and where do people get their hands on the monty python movies? because i've been searching to no avail.
haha well~ Maybe we could do it for Talentime/Music Fest watever its called... infiltrate dance and do it as part of dance nite.
It'll be a hit!~
and we could do Shingomama while at it.
haha well~ Maybe we could do it for Talentime/Music Fest watever its called... infiltrate dance and do it as part of dance nite.
It'll be a hit!~
and we could do Shingomama while at it.
Yah I realised. The typing half of my brain caught up, too late, with the reading part of it.
but i did. point out it was 'pedantic'.
The green men now populate RJC's CPS fac too. Just look at the frikking shirt. Evidently it was not an ex-RGS girl who designed it - she would have felt a deep visceral voice calling,
No, not Soon Kiat green!
If Wen En were here and his usual pedantic self, he would have pointed out it was 'pedantic'.
Rabbits are more evil than hamsters (see Monty Python's King Arthur & The Holy Grail). Yatta is also evil; certain people I know believe it has the power to destroy lives and, in accordance with that belief, have been trying to send it to as many people as they can. They would be surprised to see Kenneth calling it funny (although calling it 'irrelevant' is irrelevant) and even eager to see it in real life. I think one of them fell of his chair while watching it.
haha sighz
I just realized they spoofed 2 J-drama's in the MTV. Shall leave it to the reader to find the spoofs. The dramas were shown on TV last year *hint hint*
go watch...
oh I might just regret posting this here~ but the video's really funny and irrelevant. Can't wait to see some people dancing it in the middle of the school~ Hehz betting on someone here~ well... the strange thing is that its so dumb, yet so empowering... I feel happier already.
irs was fun. somewhat. well. it's a good excuse to spend time on something you are vaguely interested in anyway.
oh. i just poured a cup of water into the computer keyboard. speaking of cap and apm and all that stuff,
maybe we should get some (more) cwc people in here. hm. okay. hurrah.
today we had the n.e. talk. i felt like wringing necks. oh. the sentences don't necessarily link.
tang wen'en you should have come to school. i bet you haven't done your history essay either. we miss the vodka and the tori songs. i had to sing the waitress song all by myself to the stupid person sitting next to me whom i didn't know who kept on invading my personal space by sprawling all over his seat and crossing his legs with his sneaker sticking out at me and playing with his handphone. ("i believe in peace,
bitch." and, "if i did it fast it'd be an act of kindness". mostly.)
i tried to sing tom lehrer too; at any rate he was so thick-skinned and emptyheaded he didn't get the hint. rachel is going to teach me the madame guillotine song, it sounds useful for these sort of things.
and the singing became a contagious thing; he started singing too (without stopping all the sprawling) and his songs were all happy songs and it was, annoying. and all this while the people at the microphones were talking about foreign talent and china and aaargh. picky picky picky.
hi anne. ;)
shuttup about my (our) failed IRS.
worms. HAH.
they're all over the track on rainy days and i nearly (or did) step on one one, and the sec ones have christened me "bao-worm" because of that.
nothing worse than cap mentorship, though.
ho poh fun took me on the basis of ONE poem (from APM)
even though she does poetry and i did NOT submit poetry in the portfolio
and we met ONCE and she hates me
she hates my writing (so do I) (and guess what i think of her)
and i have nothing in EOTW because everything else is bad and the ONE that she likes is quite... sensitive and created this giant rift between me and my parents when they saw it.
the only good thing about mentorship is i don't have to do IRS. :P
interschool IRS sounds way fun. ;)
irs is evil. especially the mentors. mine was bleargh (sorry bao), so i got to mc the irs exhibition. yay.
worms are prodigiously stupid. there are always so many on the road (even on dry mornings) when i'm walking to the bus stop. and when it rains, they stretch themselves like soft lengths of pink yarn over the tarmac and feebly rot. beautiful. nothing like the sight of half a sopping dead worm to cheer you up.
my ora stall made $20. i sold stuff people like to eat at affordable prices. so i made a loss but the stall made money anyway and that is all that counts. i am lying; rather die than help ora. blah blah. i have to do two essays, so naturally, i will waste time typing this here.
irs's are fun. i plagiarised copiously and i got to do a presentation in chinese high anyway. yay me.
and it's pedantic mood. not pedantical. same with ironic and ironical, which just sounds wrong. and anyway, it is not the correct word to use. lala. i will write my lit essay now.
ora - our stall made $5. um, yay? wasted a crate or two of fruit and ice cream in the process.
irs: desperation for topics leads one to pick subjects which one doesn't exactly love a lot. well, me, at least. things which are easy to do boring research things on. things. fear my large vocabulary.
bao en: re: track...i'm quitting next year. third lang. at least, that's my excuse.
and stuff like debating about friends and acquaintances and definitions thereof will have to wait till i'm in a pedantical (?) mood.
haha, jamin, you are.
ironically, irs's are the perfect mechanism for turning something you really like into something you really hate in just the space of one year! fortunately being subintake and later skiving off in the name of cap, i've only ever done one that's actually called irs =)
wow... I feel more aged already.
haven't done an IRS for aeons.
old old old.
well judith... I wuz the first~ haha. anyway yeah the hamsters were cute... we kinda sprawled on the floor there on one of the IRS meetings and watched them scurrying about. Roslan's a very good drummer. His band's nice and oldish...
Anyway... as i wuz saying about IRS. I got to do it with the RGS girls only cos my IRS failed (partner left me to do ThinkQuest... hmph.) and it so happened that there wuz this other RGS group that wuz doing something about computers and needed someone who actually knew about computers... I just happened to be free~ and lalala~
It wuz quite a fun IRS... not like I did many~ but yeah I made a few good friends... went to each other's homes and tried to do work, but always ended up watching anime, slumped on couches, falling asleep. I watched the start of Saber Marrionette J 4 times. Always couldn't make it past the 2nd episode. Anyway don't all IRSes end up like that?
Saw a huge flock of green-black birds fly down the road to ghim moh market as I was walking home today. Flew like 2 meters above the ground at a rather fast pace. Some stragglers behind. Tips for NAPFA while I'm on the topic of birds... Birds fly 5km/h faster in a group due to the reduced pressures caused by the wakes. Formula one cars also use the same tactic by driving behind the leader and then moving out of the wake and accelerating, creating an even bigger speed boost. I suppose if you ran with your friend, and slighly behind him/her... you might both run faster with less effort. Of course, the speeds and scale are way different... but that would be a rather fun tactic to try, especially if you're unfit like me and need the difference.
anyway the not so little green men always take the lift. the soon kiat ppl, who also populate ri, or so they say.
i like roslan and amin =) they let me eat in their corner in the library and when the hamster littered they named one for me. not that it looked very much like me but it's still nice to have something tiny and furry and actually rather evil named after you. it's like some kind of landmark.
i shall not reveal anything about my lift joyrides cos i'm still in the school and there might be prefects under cover in here *looksaroundwith shifteyes*
i never knew there were ever interschool irs's. i sure haven't heard of one til now
oh, hey: about the wildlife. i get rabbits in my lawn sometimes. oh yeah, and i don't live in singapore anymore, for those who're wondering. there are certainly more rabbits now that the weather's about 10 to 20�C. they're eating my brother's carrots.
how random was that?! the rgs lift near the library is about as fast as the stairs, btw. i raced my chinese teacher once...
i miss the corridor by the side of the library where we used to go to when we cut assembly and played bridge.
I see. Glad to know you liked RGS, Kenneth. (and the people in it, no doubt ;)
I took the lift too, because it was conveniently located near the Shaw Labs (4th floor, a torture after lunch). It's supposedly only for teachers and other invalids, but it's not too hard to sneak a joyride during the deserted afternoon hours. Roslan and his sidekick Amin (they're like Batman and Robin) keep hamsters in their office in the library. Super cute (the hamsters, not Roslan & Amin).
bao en: invite invite. :) (and why didn't you sell the balloons at some better place? like, um, a classroom or the foyer or something. oh well. i wouldn't know; i wasn't at ora. heheh.)
and why did the throat clearer go away? o dear.
downhere isn't from rgs. joanna stevens has a nice voice. reading hard times feels like reading a comic strip. jamin's become the ludic person. hurrah.
Well waddya noe... I AM Kenneth. : ) and yeah I'm an RI guy... just that I did my IRS with this RGS group... only guy... so got pushed arnd the place. + on wed RI people end sch earlier so my friends requested I go down to visit them since they end at 1:50. Met nice ppl like Roslan~ hehz.. and got to take the lift while the rest took the stairs. Yup yupz... cheerful memories~
I'm an ADMIN!!!!!
will invite hordes of weird people from outside the cap-debate-literary-whatever circle.
for a change. ;)
on second thoughts maybe not.
class sold balloons.
primary beneficiaries were (are) the canteen fans.
has anyone seen the big one whirling around on one of 'em? it was ten bucks.
well at least now the french footballers won't boycott the world cup.
(though I'm still trying to decide if that's a good thing...)
Awful Quip of the Day #4382: "Let's play Le Pin; Le Tail o' Le Arse (Donkey)!"
oh. the filthy doublecrossers (the ri debaters, that is). well, at least the ppl getting the money raised it. *pitiful look*
at least i had fun making the posters =)
in case someone thinks judith h is someone i made up, and hasn't been reading the messages, i'm judith, sec 4 rgs, eldds and debate. jamin i'm too tired to keep track of which poseur name you evaporate into.
hurrah! chirac wins by landslide victory! they really
did vote for the crook, not the fascist!
who the hell is anyone?
(particularly Downhere... the only fellas I remember talking to at the DDR area were this guy called... Kenneth? and one Aravind Ratnam Ganesh.)
and the debate people from RI actually collected money, Judith. They operated a gambling den - dai dee (loser paid a dollar each game).
oh well.
what's with the poseur names anyhow? shall disappear into one as well from hereon! muahaha.
Haha... Downhere - whaddaya know? We could all be weird together. I wonder why you say you missed RGS and that it was nice to be back - here you had me thinking all along that you were (are?) male. I miss RGS too but I miss my sleep even more, and one was in closer reach than the other.
throat clearer could have been tim tan.
ora was strange and interesting. epecially operating a stall which collected, at the end of the day, a grand total of $0 and 0 cents.
Haha.. and there I was thinking I'm weird. Glad to know some people out there actually watch the wildlife. Would Jamin be the guy in a blue shirt I spoke to today at ORA? I wuz dancing DDR.
Anyway... had fun meeting old friends... catching up, taking photos etc. Really missed RGS... nice to be back... Richardson had the nicer looking posters... remembered Waddle's was better the year before. can't remember anything about last year's. Found the elf in the tank rather amusing...
Annex had a sorta manga drawing competition.. at that graffiti cafe where you can draw on paper while waiting... and the standard of art was pretty good. the comics were rather funny and had style. Still... remember someone telling me that the mark of a good cartoonist were the eyes. Go check it out.
While on the subject of meeting friends... someone said that most of the people in the world you meet are acquaintances... only a few make it as friends... how would you define acquaintances and friends? And when would one make it to the next level? I believe it has something to do with sharing feelings and emotions, and walking through life together... but if you genuinely want someone as a friend.. yet have no troubles to speak of... are you friendless for the moment and just an acquaintance? Most of the friends I have so far I just developed an instant liking to and just started chatting. Was it the same for the rest of us here?
Philosophical ramble of the day(in bold)
Words are the colours of my world.
Dawn to dusk,
Each time a different shade,
Each viewed in a different light.
There are bees, bats (fruit, not vampire), squirrels (grey, not red), sparrows, lizards (green at the head and red at the tail), cats (very clean and languid), pet hamsters and mosquitoes where I live. The bee hive is right outside my bedroom window. All these creatures great and small are not at all shy and frequently invite themselves in. Makes the place feel very rustic sometimes.
As for RJ - a lot of the wildlife you find there is pretty dumb, and I'm not just talking about the pigeons.
there was a golden squirrel with an immense bushy tail over 'ere at one point in time. saw it when i was in sec 3. couldn't believe my eyes. gave myself a pinch but the squirrel stayed golden and real and all that and then it scampered off.
(icefall stays within walking distance of RJ)
...this is very strange. i could've sworn i saw someone called "throat clearer" on the blog member list....and then i refreshed and then the throat clearer went away.
i didn't realise ora's tomorrow. oh dear. oh well.
did anyone else see the throat clearer, or were my eyes just being funny with me.
hello bao en & maryam and whoever else.
hello all.
hello janice. joining track for good? :D
hello jamin. saw you at the coro plaza bridge on a thurs some weeks ago, you were staring at me like I had the plague or something.
I presume you couldn't place me. it was cap, btw.
heelo judith, hello claire. which jc have you landed in?
accidentally disrupted some mating dragonflies yesterday. hm.
ora tomorrow! haha. class is selling (pathetic) ballons.
am gatecrashing cap with friends. will bring own food so need not pay 25 bucks. I hope.
grace head councillor? :)
yellow bird? prolly a black-naped oriole, it's the most common yellow bird in singapore. and we don't have chameleons - they live in south america - we have changeable lizards. much less dramatic.
i confess to being a semi-birdwatcher.
( oh, and rgs has quite a bit of fauna too - green necked pigeons [read: not the common random grey ones], the odd squirrel or two, one white-throated kingfisher i've seen on occassion. )
angsana trees look quite grotesque in full bloom.
nahz I'm serious...
as evidenced by the birds fluffing up their breast feathers in the morning...
just walk around.
I bet there will be alot of new affairs comming up.
To date I've seen
1 Grey Squirrel
1 Yellow Bird (not sure what type...)
1 Chameleon
millions of pigeons. & crows
RJ's such a wild place.
hullo. how lovely to see y'll again.
uh. hello.
how fun. I can put words into other people's mouths.
The dead blog should be beaten with a stick.
noel: i think you were supposed to, but everyone is an admin now so i guess it doesn't really matter unless you want to martyr yourself.
poof. more people.
Actually, I don't get the statement, "today marks the start of the mating season.. "
I'm supposing this is some metaphor or poetic imagery.
steam trains are trying to be smart. am i supposed to give up my administration status?