Anyway today marks the start of the mating season..
Enjoy yourselves.
I Love Your Very Scent.
I'm not sure which news is more shocking... the fact that a family friend molested the girls in the apartment of the family he was staying in, or the fact that the girls, rather young I might add, drew grim psychological pictures of killing a bearded man. Is the urge to kill innate? Is it instinctive? After playing Counter-strike after mths due to the recent cheating episodes, I found that I don't have a problem with placing a person between my cross-hairs and pulling the trigger. Infact, I rather enjoy it. What does that say about me for that matter?
Just got contacts, enjoying the feeling of finger in eye, and groping for that misplaced contact between eye and eyelid. Feeling uncomfortable with that piece of "plastic?". I couldn't see it... or rather, I saw better through it, and its rather thin as well. Yet, somehow it irritates me. Any thing that isn't part of my body irritates me. Is that innate? Is it instinctive?
I Love Your Very Scent.
Love me too.
cap. prof thumboo told me some time ago tt cap was a good idea in the beginning, but then it got 'incestuous'. you will be fed capfood at cap. mostly chicken and cabbage to go with your rice (from a communal pot). you get teeny tiny glasses for water. water comes in the form of a large melting cake of ice; in a communal pot too. that was cap '99, am not sure if it's gotten any better/worse.
heheh peichi. the longkang's a smelly little place too. i'm lazy ;) flat surfaces appeal to me, very very much, yes.
i'm going to be in cap. ( not that i know you, not that you know me. ) first year; feel free to tell horror stories about it and unnerve me. or something.
judith: erm, is one of the admin power rules non-changing of urls, btw?
what's the url of this place?
Has anyone signed up for cap?
quiet civility. or just being quiet. and i never did get the point of struggling-for-power or anarchy. it's all rather ridiculous, i suppose? mock battles. ( and perhaps we're just waiting for someone to eventually protest and not follow the whole transferring admin-ship thing. revolution, yay. )
Ah right, Marianne. But I don't think I'm into young ladies wearing skimpy PE kit. Not even if they're from SCGS. *wink* Besides, the longkang is mosquito-infested. Running in the rabbit warren of Holland Grove Road affords much nicer views of rich people's houses.
apm's in july, i think.
peichi, you'll probly catch me in my too-short sajc shorts if you (in a fitness frenzy) decide to go jogging at our friendly neighbourhood
longkang in the evening :) those are muchly shorter than the ones you saw me wearing this afternoon. they fit me well. they fit me like underwear.
adrianna wears size S as well, she looks better in'em than i do.
neath, i saw you hurrying through the carpark when i was having tkd tonight.
oh yeah, btw, when is rjc's apm? i assume some people in here should know
hello neath. what strange prenomitions do you have?
this blog seems rather quieter than the last one, actually. i think there are less people. or maybe we should allow for struggle for power and anarchy. that seemed to be fuel to conversation in the last one. transferring admin-ship is a little too... neat
I don't like this, claire.
Alive people are inordinately fond of repeating what dead people said, as if being dead confers the mantle of truth upon any utterance. This can occasionally be amusing. Politics is worse than boring sometimes; it's fatal. I leave you with a quote from my favourite dead person of the moment: 'Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so.' - saith Bertrand Russell, who thought a lot but is dead anyways. Happy midweek, my fellow convalescents.
cos edith see is earnest.
how...fascinating. must remember that method to screw sites up. yes. er.
frankly i find politics boring. perhaps it's because i know nothing of it.
edith see day. why her in particular?
How totalitarian was Mussolini's fascist regime?
<--gosh I hope I didn't forget all my damn html.--/>
okay. obviously have messed up the whatchamacallit tag.
aahh. missing posts - look at the source code.
actually edith see can't hear very well, but that sounds like a bad joke. joodif has she told you all about the deaf in one ear thing?
and yayy joodif supports edith see day yayy.
hmm. edith see. edith saw. edith run. edith hear. edith heard. edith jumped. see edith, see.
question edith; does edith see day?
hello everybody. edith see day sounds like a great idea!
There appears to be a huge chunk of posts AWOL. All I can see about vineyard (from the little I could stand to read - how
do people come up with these things??) is that it degenerated into some X school vs. Y school thing. How sordid. Oh so this admining thing is like passing the hot potato. Here. *throws the potato around*
hm hm. some admin deleted a kenneth tan (two kenneth tans were invited, see - hence 'a kenneth tan') and toh bao en from the invitees, hm. hello janice. ah i suppose someone could get younger people in if you want.
hello peichi, yea admins have short terms and i guess you have to keep admining people, here's the sense in it:
1) take a look at the old blog. (and see why it's best to keep people from monopolising it for eternity)
2) even if the rules didn't make it compulsory to keep on admining and unadmining, people would still end up doing it a lot - going by the old blog anyway.
janice and shiling and anyone else interested in Edith See Day: today i met some sec4 classmates and they inadvertently suggested everyone dressing up like edith see (the long skirts/dresses, the overgrown fringe, the big spectacles, the aah-blurh-blurh-blurh, and the purple fairy wings). i think they were joking, but it's a good idea nonetheless. or maybe mrs see would be alarmed. oh well.
i think i shall mess up the posts now.
and as always i'll be the youngest one here, hm?
Edith See
is rather a Dear. the motherly sort of fuzzy-headed ( woolly-brained Ms Marple ) type of teacher. very much the English/Lit. sort.
will wait and possibly say more. er, hi?
Whaaaat? You mean admins have such short terms? :( So do we have to keep admining people? What's the sense in this?
Ah, Wen En. I sense a consensus-building type in you. Only please don't tell us
what you would.
Have a happy day, happy people, as we drift gently through the happy purple spaces.
exercising my administrative power i have changed 'and milkwood and silkwood' to 'and you would if i would'.
*woosh* that is the sound of the rush of power.
the problem got fixed already; it was a space, wasn't an apostrophe. long story. :)
(okay these are the current admins: sere, puppet hope, the last noel, choo shu jian, aw yongqing.
admin-status expires on thursday for sere, on friday for choo shu jian and on sunday for the rest. nyx's was today, so was mine; we're both un-admined now. poof.)
lots of happy people invited hooray. and more people have joined which is another hooray thing.
hello ice fall. :)
diathone, wen'en probly stuck an apostrophe somewhere in the code, in the mouseover message; that'd the part of your code where the mouseover message goes. the erm.. 'shell' of the code contains apostrophes so it might be misreading that extra one.
'sotong balls' huh? yum yum.
by the bye, hullo yongwei and jamin blahblahblah
rugga wugga, ooga booga. icefall know many word, mucho vocab ooga booga.
( ..just testing)
I had a lit teacher in sec1 who liked to say 'my little sotong balls' to her students. Her name was (unfortunately) Miss Fock. Then she went away to university. You will more often find me making sounds like
zzz. Yay! Being admin means I can take over the world right? I declare next week a holiday.
Edith See is a 50 year old rgs teacher. she was our lit and english teacher last year. and is the cca-teacher-in-charge of handbells. studied music and literature at university i think. and is fond of saying ah-blurh-blurh-blurh (or aah-blah-blah-blah or aah-blurh-blarh-blarh or...any other variations.) grace (chua) told me she was a Dear, if i remember a-right. last year, anyway.
it wasn't wholly the moo. and poof is a nice word. so is salt. peichi you're admin-ed, did you know.
just took a look at the list of blog members again. we have a new one. yay.
Who is Edith See? I don't walk around saying
moo all the time. Claire, however, does walk around school saying
poof at unsuspecting people. All right get more people into the convalescents' home. Then at least we'll have more to do than sit around under the sun in our wheelchairs.
hello jamin and peichi. hurrah, shiling and wen'en are here.
shiling, i was thinking of Edith See Day the other day and i think we should have banners and posters and signs and flags and stuff. then we can march into school singing Edith See Songs and waving them (not the songs i mean. the flags and stuff) and we can all look jolly and cheery and maybe mrs see will be muchly muchly gratified. hurrah.
wen'en, you're always being yourself and we're all always being ourselves, and you could trying practising what you (suggest yourself to) preach. and your blog has errors in its code. it can't be viewed using my netscape browser and my IE browser says it has an error somewhere along line 214, wherever that is.
jamin you sound like a hungry pondering cow but maybe that's just cos you asked whether it could be eaten and peichi said mooooo.
peichi sounds like peichi though.
and i just realised how bad that sounds. aah blah.
i have a lit essay to do by tonight and i'm not going to do it by tonight hurrah.
and now i will get more people in and admin someone.
Yet more questions: why are the only J2s here also the only ones posting?
the real question, I'm thinking, is simple enough:
what time is it?
goodnight, world.
Ah. meadows. I see. Mooooo. Why is it in pastel purple? The whole thing makes me feel like I'm in a convalescents home.
what is this.
can it be eaten.
how many syllables are there in opalfdiaspdfmnonmimsalsnic?
so we shall start off with a re-cap of the rules.
1) You are generally allowed to do whatever you want.
2) You may tweak the html on the page whenever you want. (i.e. put something like a < font> tag in one of your posts, and leave the tag open. which will cause all other posts to obey that tag.)
3) You may change your username (i.e. the name you post under) as often as you wish.
4) If you are an admin, you can change the blog url whenever you want. (i.e. move it somewhere else).
5) If you are an admin, you may invite any number of new people in, if you wish to.
6) If you are an admin, you can change the blog layout whenever you want.
7) If you are an admin, you may delete posts - if you wish to.
8) If you are an admin, you may delete blog members if you wish to.
9) If you are an admin, you can give anyone (and any number of people) admin power as well. However, there is also a one-week-max rule this time. No one is allowed to hold admin status for more than a week.
10) No deletion of the blog itself.
As you can see, you can do almost anything you like - or rather, almost anything that you have the power to do. Short of being an admin for longer than one week at a stretch, and short of deleting the blog.
well yes, i copied and pasted from all the invitations. but it's useful to have something to refer to here. :)