Evolution and ID
I just listened to a Ken Miller lecture that he gave in Brown University on youtube, about his testimony that he gave to support Evolution and debunk Intelligent Design in the Dover trials.He made a comment that I found really intriguing about this whole event. He said, that to ID proponents, this is a battle about morality. Evolution attacks the core of morality, because if we are not a special creation of God, why would we need to behave according to God's laws?
Being intelligently designed separates men from the beasts, and gives us meaning and purpose to our existence, and lifts us from that messy world of natural selection. This is why they need to fight evolution. To protect morality and God's laws.
He makes the point that it is strange, that proponents of ID yet lie, in the courts, time and time again in the pursuit of this goal. They take liberties with definitions, present false truths, and do not acknowledge the true purpose of ID, which is to introduce religion into science class.
I find this all very disturbing. If God is about truth, and you, as a religious person is here to spread the truth, spread it without lies. Be a beacon of morality. If your ideas are not accepted for any reason, accept it as the free choice of men. There is no point in wanting to do God's work, and being the very monster that God warns men against. If you believe that the world is intelligently designed, if you believe that men are created by God, then you should accept the evidence presented before you, that God works in mysterious ways, that he has provided evidence for evolution, and that it is not God's word that has to be examined, but that what the Church has been teaching all along is an incorrect interpretation of what God means men to know.
If you believe God works with truth, then when truth is presented and it conflicts with your beliefs, accept the truth. Man after all, has an incomplete understanding of things that can be improved upon. Truth however, is eternal.