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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

On Abortion: A response

"Today we learnt in class that 1 out of every 4 pregnancies in Singapore are terminated through abortion...
I couldn't help but wonder what the world would be like if those babies had been born... what chances of learning to love have escaped us...


And why doesn't the doctor just resuscitate the baby if it was delivered?

The lecturer mentioned that in certain cases mothers have tried to sue doctors for NOT resuscitating babies that were alive when aborted...
but has any doctor tried resuscitating and then got sued for that? somehow I don't think why don't they just do so?"

- Geraldine's Blog

She doesn't have a comment system, so I thought I'd respond here.

Every woman has the gift of creating life, but not every woman has control over the creation of life. We are built imperfect. Sometimes the best measures fail, sometimes rape happens. Should the woman be held responsible when she was not in full control?

I believe it is right and fair to give every woman the right to choose whether or not to bring a fetus to term. Every child deserves a loving home that is prepared to receive him. Every woman should have the happiness of bringing up a beautiful baby, and not be tortured by circumstances of which they have no control. (birth defects, rape)

To achieve that happiness for everyone, I am prepared, as a future doctor, to undertake the unenviable task of taking lives that I have sworn to save. Better that a baby passes by my hand, oblivious, than a child be born to uncertain pain and suffering.

I offer a service that serves to minimize suffering, but the decision to kill, to stop life, rests with the woman I serve. I only do my duty to keep her safe.

Sometimes men make mistakes. Science just allows us to minimize the hurt, so that we can learn from it and move on with our lives. Perhaps sin is forever, but mistakes don't have to be.


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