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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Hon made the comment that I'm masochistic after blocking a few of Joel's killerballs during volleyball.

Haa... No I just love volleyball and pain.

It's a strange thing to love pain, but the both of us have a very useful working relationship. I would admit that I'm masochistic, but only because pain reassures me that I'm still alive. Sometimes in nice civilized places we tend to forget how alive we are. I get that sometimes, when I'm stuck in a whole phase of pleasantness, and it's like living in a world that's all white or all a single shade like my blog. And then you have pain, and pain is like a new colour in that world. Pain is like freedom and assurance. Pain is life!

and Oooh Beach Volleyball photos!
I love photography!


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