Spirit of Tools
Spirit of Tools: From a Japanese WoodworkerWhen asked about the spirit of tools Makoto acknowledges that "Yes, tools do have spirit, and machines also." However, this spirit is not like an icon on an altar. There is, for example no spirit when you first get a tool. It is the use of the tool that empowers it. Through use, spirit increases as well as understanding. The tool and the work come closer and closer to the heart. This is the direction, the ideal, when tool, work and worker become one. For Makoto, work is his life, his love, and his religion. He believes hard work is the basis of religion and that this idea was taken from nature and then people made up the rest. Although he does not sit for meditation, he looks to Zen for inspiration and as a model for direction. He also receives great inspiration from trees, firmly rooted in what they are doing, striving upward with minimal wavering, true to their direction. Craftsmanship is his direction and of this, there is no doubt. His basic philosophy is "work hard, say yes, listen and do!"
... One can spend all day on one joint to make it perfect but that isn't practical. It is the average that is important, so that over time, the average quality of the work has improved." The average approaches the ideal. "One might not know anything at first but trying makes a big difference. The energy put into the work will know how much the person is really interested." The experience gives the answers.
Makoto warns against over emphasis on technique and specialization. "Try not to be just good technically, but more in the heart. The heart knows everything." All aspects of the work are equally important, (layout, sharpening, chiseling, sawing, etc.) each part contributing to the average of the whole. "Everything is right here" he says laying his hand on his heart. Makoto continues, "In my work, I'm trying to be, 'how much closer ?', to my heart." Each person can ask that question, "How much closer can I get ?" As Makoto says, when "head through body comes to the heart", the answer and the ideal become known.
I keep seeing this idea around, but it is so difficult to achieve! We all fall for the illusion that it is our tools that make us who we are. But it is how much we put in. How much closer can we be to our heart. How much closer can we dance to the blade. How much are we willing to put in.
I'm not putting in much. If at all.
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The most important thing in life, no matter what, is to do everything gracefully.
Anyway, returning from a long long hiatus is Claire! I just sent her an invite. Hope she posts soon!
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