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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Thursday, March 30, 2006

More than this

It was fun for a while
There was no way of knowing
Like dream in the night
Who can say where we´re going
No care in the world
Maybe i´m learning
Why the sea on the tide
Has no way of turning
More than this - there is nothing
More than this - tell me one thing
More than this - there is nothing

More than this - 10,000 maniacs

Haha just reading, and they have an interview of Steve Jobs, one of my idols, together with a bunch of other people, and it's just so inspiring! I just feel like I'm in in the right place and the right time and doing the right thing, and I've just got to make it happen! I've just got to gather the people now and make it happen!

We can do more than make notes and study for exams! We can change the world! We can change the world! He changed the world when he was 23. We can change the world too! We've got three years!

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?"
-- The line he used to lure John Sculley as Apple's CEO, according to Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple, by John Sculley and John Byrne


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