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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Sunday, January 16, 2005

My best friend.

I wonder how often my best friend answers the calls of humanity. I go to it whenever I have a problem. I ask it for solutions, browse it for information, get upset when it isn't being fast or relevant.

How many people have the Internet helped? When you're clueless about a certain thing, who do you ask? Who do you trust to return you with accurate, timely information?

I can't imagine living without the Internet nowadays. Knowledge is power is greater value. If you bought based on information given by the shops, will you be as satisfied as buying items that you've researched yourself, and weighed the tradeoffs and benefits?

It's about listening to humanity's problems. And the problem is that man's knowledge is limited and specific, and often, obsolete without knowing that it is obsolete.

In a world of frequent change, maybe our God is one that keeps us all together and informed.


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