Lethargy But Fufillment
It's been quite a while since I last blogged. Work work work, and fun fun fun! Now I'm at the JOPD, which means more use of the internet, and finally a role, and a job and a responsibility. My first meeting later, and I think it's cool. Wearing the RJ shirt though. with black pants.Friday was amazing (Apr 02). Had my first dance lesson and had quite a bit of fun dancing with geri and shirlene. Felt the difference in dance styles between people, and actual personality differences as well. Some people are calmer, some people are more gentle, some people just move naturally to the music, some people have music flow through them like rapids, or white noise. Dance is an interesting experience, though it still hurts to see myself try to dance in the mirror.
Saturday was hectic as well from the very moment I woke up. Went out with my family for this wonderful lunch at Siglap. It's called the Noodle Place, run by China waitresses and a Chinese boss. And their best dish happened to be this claypot simmered chicken. We didn't eat their noodles, so I wouldn't know how good it was, it had strange decor, slightly like a cross between a coffee club and a cheap shop trying to look high class. It had like... 8 of the same piece of sculpture, and the place was ORANGE. Scary!
After that it was Music Songwriting workshop where these two famous songwriters had a good time telling us about chinese song structure, and how simple it is, and yeah, it lies pretty much on basic chord progressions. Still I guess it's great that even with such a limited vocabulary, it's possible to produce something as beautiful as ... yujian or fengzhen or xinbuliaoqing. It's not only about the music in chinese pop. It's also the poetry.
Then guitar lessons again, 2nd lesson. Learnt how to listen out for chords. Had some practice. My partner couldn't get it so... the teacher tried to teach him how to hear it. Think I can play most chinese songs now with a capo. After lessons went to grandma's house with my dreamcast, returning it to my uncle. Brought my whole collection of games as well. Had fun playing with my cousins but I was terribly tired by then. Got my uncle a chinese flute as well, and he was really pleased. Never owned such a beautiful flute in his life, he was gushing. Haha and he still could play a few tunes. So that's cool, heard he's going to play for us this sat. Once he gets that feeling back. It's been 20 odd years since he last played the flute.
Wrist died on Sunday morning. Couldn't close my hand with much force. Could play a few barre chords before the whole thing siezed up so gave it a little rest for one day. Went to porshee's house for games after lunch. Lots of fun playing winning eleven. now that I've read the FAQ, I can show them a few more things man the next time we meet. Also this beach volleyball game where all the guys oogled the virtual girls. Yeah. Virtual Reality is so much more beautiful.
Had Indian Vegetarian food with the bunch of guys and his family. Food wasn't bad, except that we ordered alot alot. I think it's a chinese family thing. My family ordered alot of indian vegetarian food the first time we ate it too. But we managed to finish it in the end. Really hated their sweets though, even though I wanted to buy them in the first place. They had like ginger in it, and tasted weird. and the whole piece was so sweet and gingery. so I ate like one mouth of each and just threw the rest away on my plate.
Great meal though. Porshee's family is very funny.
Firefly selection process part 2 on Monday. (5 Apr) Stressful time, not supposed to talk much about it, so I'll just list my accomplishments here. Managed to talk passionately on the arts for 2 minutes as an well organized monologue. Managed to get the group to have something done. Didn't manage to say anything during negotiations, but it was TERRIBLY messy.
Brings me to Tuesday. Went to new camp. Met all the fun people here, joined them for a birthday lunch. Met geri for fun. Bought her something pink. She treated me to a creampuff.
I realize I daze when I see pink. Especially if it's lots of pink. I don't know what to say and think and just freeze. I think it's because I hate the colour.
Met shihui again. She was her friendly self. I think she had alot of business that day. But with her bubbly character, I think it's pretty expected lah. I think she's bringing in the moolah. I must try bringing in the moolah too. Maybe give drum lessons, or quickly learn guitar so I can give guitar lessons. Oh but the silly wrist isn't good yet (Wed). Think it'll be fine tomorrow. Already much better. I think once you start working, you realize how much work is required to bring in moolah. Then you really try to get maximum satisfaction from your moolah.
Just thinking that men and women are always having this whole misunderstanding thing. Okay another generalization here again. Alert.
Women feel that their place in their men's hearts is directly proportional to the amount their presents cost. Whereas men feel that their place in a woman's heart is how stable the relationship is.
But men always talk about how much money they spend on their women, while women always talk about how much they love the man.
I think it's opposite.
Women love the gifts lavished on them. Men just love the company.
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