My computer is also capable of generating a graded response. Even though it thinks in binary, it produces an audio signal, which is decidedly graduated, all the time.
I don't believe in a God that requires our praise. After reading the Apocryphon of John, google, it has a very interesting argument. When a God requires us to praise him, he is indirectly saying that we praise him over something else. For if there is no other God, all praise of his creations, must of course directly be praise to him. There would be no question over what we are praising, because He would be the one and only Creator. So the question is, what are the other entities competing for praise? And if there are other entities, that means that God is aware of them. And that he cannot be the sole creator, because if he is, praising the other entities would be equivalent to praise for him. (I'd be equally happy if someone praises my works, or if someone praises me, because the praise and admiration will directly go to me.) If God isn't the sole Creator that he claims he is, then he isn't telling the truth, then he isn't the God we should be praising, because he is lying and he has therefore sinned. For example, the Christian example that praising Jesus, is the same as praising God, because they are of one body. (or something like that. please correct me.)
I'm not sure about the conceive/imagine thingy. Aren't they the same thing? If you can imagine something in your mind's eye, isn't it the same as conceiving it?
Yes... you're right on otherblogs.
It's actually called Threshold Potential. Haha... but I found the term rather cryptic for a discussion. I find sex inspiring. The creation of an entity that has never existed before, that is a combination of the lineage of two people, based on this emotion called Love, that no one over thousands of years, has actually managed to understand and elucidate. Love just happens. Just as two cells combined just creates a life.
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