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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Monday, May 19, 2003

Call it what you will. You can see it as him being a naughty client (e.g Cheat), I see him as being more of a superuser, someone who has almost complete control of the system, but has certain restrictions of his power. E.g His ability to see the buddha. Ability to move as fast as he likes, wherever he likes, Ability to see the future, as well as know where certain people are at any time. Ability to instinctively know where goes where, which door leads where. He seems to have knowledge that we haven't seen him learn about.

Found an inconsistency.

In the Matrix, Agent Smith tells Neo that this is the 21st century, the golden age of mankind. And we see clearly that the whole country is well populated. How does 24 people (including Neo) multiply and populate the world in the 21st century? They'd have to do heavy duty multiplying. Really Heavy Duty Multiplying. What happens to technology? Industry? Agriculture?

The mainframe cannot be reset. If it is, where would the power for the restart of the mainframe come from? What would happen to the billions of human minds that are now screwed up?

Perhaps dreams are an answer to that. Dreams give the Mainframe time to tie up loose ends, fix the simulation etc. But I don't think a dream can allow for the reprogramming of the entire Matrix, and I don't think that there won't be a memory of the world as they know it before.


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