Sex remains interesting because it's the only activity where you can really get close to someone, and be uninhibited. Of course, certain branches of Christianity believe there's only the missionary position is not sinful, but just looking at the sales of Kama Sutra & it's derivatives, and you can tell that no one's caring.
Sex's also interesting because of its ever evolving nature. I suppose in the past they had sex everywhere, cos places were wide and private, and sex without a roof over your head is always more romantic and exciting too. Then increased urbanization led to people doing it in cars and homes and hotels. The proliferation of Oral and Anal sex is also a result of greater social freedoms and experimentation. Of course, Oral and Anal sex has been around for centuries, and is NOT a recent invention.
I mean... which other activity is social, is pleasurable, is exciting, and allows you to scream as loudly as you want, and do whatever you want? (no, not soccer!!!)
Anyway, went to the counter at NTUC laden with cans of soup, and saw this old man infront of me with two tins of luncheon meat. Just felt pangs of guilt, cos I'm spending so much more, and that I can't really remember the last time I bought a tin of luncheon meat, and wondered if luncheon meat even had any meat texture in the first place. It has flavour, but very little texture. More like a dough of sorts. And the poor guy's probably having it with porridge for breakfast lunch and dinner. Consoled myself by saying I could always go back to a salted fish diet. But I guess it's not the same. People aren't made the same.
Thought about a future war story... more of an idea really, between the biologists and the engineers. I guess the crux of the matter now is this. Genetic engineering can and will allow mankind almost unlimited power in the generation of biological materials and even the creation of unique lifeforms. But mechanical engineering is also making vast strides, and it has the moral advantage of respecting the sancity of life.
What I see is perhaps a schism ideologically between the two halves of humanity. On the one hand, you have the PETA sort of mechanical engineers, on the otherhand, you've got the anything goes biological engineer. And somehow, the contrast between this huge biological facility, and even genetically modified humans and animals producing constructs of war, and the giant mechanical factory cranking out war robots really excites me. Which would end up triumphant? Would it be, in a sense, the success of nature(which also happens to be ruthless), over the success of the purely human construct (which would have rules and safeguards built in to protect it's human controlling population. Will the power of evolution be stronger than the strength of Moore's law?
Somehow I think these questions will be answered very soon.
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