Hrmz. Updates on my life! :)
Broke a bit of skin on my right paw. Did one too many chin ups when the skin there was rather weak. Probably also due to my kayaking sessions.
Went for kayaking on wed, under the influence of my juniors, which are REALLY on about the canoe polo thing. Some of them are already better than me at rolling. I bet they'll be better than me in a few more weeks, once they've learnt the other movement strokes. Though I'm probably top 3 fastest larh. Must learn handroll soon... then I'll stay one up.
Anyway it's really nice to have such committed juniors... makes me feel happy to be in the pool with them.
Just watched Zui Ai Zong Jing Li, realized that the female lead (which looks absolutely delicious) has bits of all my friends in her. Can see Jan's eyebrows, nose and eyes, and Shihui's face shape and I think a little bit of Ruxin in there somewhere. She moves like geraldine too. Sort of like a morph. Wonder if that's a human ability? To kinda identify and draw relationships between the result, and its possible makeup.
Wonder if my body's kinda breaking up. Had an injured wrist, blisters on my heel and hand, skin peeling off my elbow, had a little bout of flu today in the LT, and feeling generally warmer and sweating more than I used to.
Had a discussion about art today. Which really didn't go very far if you know my class. One point we agreed on is that Art is useless, that it really has no value out of the aesthetic. And I was toying silently with the idea that Porn is art, in as much as it's calculated to appeal to the aesthetic. But Fred believes it's more lust than anything. Well... perhaps there's something innate in all pornographic images, some key to it's appeal to our minds. Fantasized about discovering the key, and embedding it in simple abstract pictures, that would appeal inexorably to any mind that saw it. Postulated that perhaps it already exists in the form of religious imagery. What do you people think?
Scanned in about 50% of the EiA photos. Rolls of film really are like loops of time. Just affected by the way film records events so sequentially. And that different photographers had different angles and different perspectives on what is essentially the same event. The photos will probably be available online and on the concourse board as soon as I'm 100% done. about a 100 images more to go!
Need someone to volunteer webspace and a nice photo printer.
Well taa i guess. another day of school.
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