Bachelor party? Knowing myself I'd probably pon it, or attempt to come down with some minor illness (medicine faculty...should have some pretty strong viruses/vaccines right?). And I'm not really game for 'extra' services...STDs are a good deterrent, but I have other bachelor party? If I have things my way, cushions on the floor, and anime on the widescreen. Friends are optional. I never really was one for parties anyway - ask anyone who knows me.
If you were describing a bachelor party in America I'd be really shocked - I thought they had mass orgies and stuff like that (another reason why I'm trying to go to a UK university, despite high costs of living), not just tame sex. If this is Singapore, then well you shouldn't be too surprised as well, since there are already people doing it at secondary school age. But do abstain for your own good, yeah? As if you need telling.
And yep, when you read stuff like that always remember to factor in the sensationalism. For every bachelor/spinster/whatever (I know, it's not a spinster party, right?...) party like the one described below there're 1000 boring bachelor parties where single males meet to discuss their sad situation. Who wants to read about parties like that?
I wouldn't trust a magazine called "Her World" to describe bachelor parties accurately. Would you?
And Gabriel, getting lampposted is a phenomenon that occurs with (alarmingly) increasing frequency in various JCs, most notably RJ and ACJ. It involves any object resembling a lamppost meeting the point of intersection of your legs at high relative velocity, resulting in an action-reaction force pair that has pretty bad implications for your excretory system.
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