Baking goodies to share with friends and loved ones who appreciate it gives a very warm and fuzzy feeling =) And I'm sure most guys love girls who can bake right?
Legolas is just elvish romantic wonder, able to send all young elffy-boppers into rapture at a ray of sunlight reflecting from his luscious locks of hair, and tinkling elvish accent.
Dearest Kenneth, you really should start telling me things. Sometimes I get the inkling that you're not too happy about some things you see, but I'm not sure, and thus don't do anything. And sometimes I'm afraid to ask as very afraid to love you.
It is a very human and common thing to do to say mean things about people you don't really know. Perhaps it comes from the fact that people are scared of the unknown. I have learnt to forgive easily. Ofcourse forgetting isn't that easy, but I can forgive =) You should too.
We are all becoming overly dependent on our handphones. They have become so much a part of us, a constant pocket companion ( it's like carrying your friends in your pocket;being able to sms them anytime), that it's as if you're missing something without it around.
I don't like sitting with someone during breaks you know...I've been waiting for you to ask me to sit with you since sch started but you didn't ask so I didn't dare!!! We should start eating lunch together. Shit. I'm not even sure when your lunch breaks are!
Who says you're not the first person I wish to see in the morning?'re the first person I think of when I first open my eyes in the morning and the last person I think of before I sleep...
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