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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Sunday, December 29, 2002

Sometimes I say things I don't mean to say. In the spur of the moment, going with the flow, I say things people want to hear. Perhaps.

But its such effort to think about every single word, to think about every single connotation and meaning. That in the end, what you'd do is say what people want to hear, or not say it at all.

I suppose a lolita's not for me. I want an intellectual equal. But then again, lolita's more than an equal to poor Humbert Humbert. She's a emotionally dominant person in the relationship. Though whether its because of Humbert's mental problems, or the illictness of the relationship, is up to debate.

I want someone who will excite me perhaps, show me new worlds to think about, to explore. Including, I suppose sex. But I guess such women don't exist. I haven't been very much excited anyway...


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