I have the movie. In jap without subtitles.
Anyway shall blog about my day after happy mee~. Afraid its not very nice to disclose things in detail.
Went to watch a movie after lunch, actually, only had two meals the whole day. Watched Gangs in New York, but couldn't make head or tail of what it was trying to say. The intro sequence had all the smackings of bad C.G. They were fighting with axes and daggers, yet slashes didn't bring blood until almost the end of the battle, and the snowy ground was made uniformly pink, without big splashes of blood. I expected bits of flesh being cut off, heads loped off, those kind of things. Sorely dissapointed. Later bits had problems with settings and language consistency. DiCaprio didn't sound Irish at all! And all the intermixing of modern english and olde english grated on the ears. Certain scenes had too many nipples. And the ending was so anticlimax. And we didn't know what was actually happening. Its an Art flick, gone mass market and feel good, and altogether unsatisfying. The only thing wonderful about it is the set, and the wonderful one liners. Actually, its probably a movie of one liners. All awe inspiring, but placed too close together such that they seem funny, ironical, contrived. I don't even know why they're promoting the film. Of course, its probably because I wasn't concentrating on the film. Had other more pressing matters on my mind (and on my hands).
More later.
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