Screwed Up Girl's going for that too!
Haha isn't groping them while carrying them fun? I wonder how you manage to do all this. Must be the residual VJ charisma.
A certain fantasy writer who shall remain unnamed (let it just be said that all his books are the same, and he's smug in the extreme and irritating to boot) postulated that babies are born with a fragrance, but boys lose it as they grow older. Though my olfactory senses are not sufficiently developed (girls smell better, I read) and I haven't gotten close enough to too many people to experiment, I think that this is true... for some girls, anyway.
Iced Newater tastes similar to Iced Tap Water. Maybe that's why it was supplied tepid. Or maybe they had leftovers from NDP ;) Tepid Newater tastes... clean. Slightly sweet, but that may be psychological.
"I think its a problem when firstly... no one offers to dance with you..." - Is someone complaining about his partner? :)
Sylvia Soh was my teacher in Sec 1! She has awfully strong perfume. And doesn't like students getting too close. Anyhow Raffles Guys don't like getting pawed and ogled at by RI Guys, so I suppose that explains why there are few inter-Rafflesian school activities :)
Well so men like dumb women. Bah. How about the cynical guys?
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