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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

If you don't go for lessons, you'll get white slips. Hmm, I never got a white slip :) Assiduously attended lessons... to get quotes!

Hmm I think my ABCD was rather mocking. But plenty of people who did worse than me got 4As and an A1 for GP in the end, so don't lose hope!

"One of the three"... musketeers?

Groping is very different from massage! Unless you're getting 'special' services at some of those massage parlours.

How do you place someone's chest on your mousing hand? Sounds like an anatomically impossible feat. Or maybe she was trying to rub against you! Either that or she's deformed (read: what most men consider well endowed)

What Women Want - you're talking about the woman who hoped he told her he was gay, so she wouldn't be so sad? Men want to know women's minds, that's one reason FHM's so popular. Women want to know men's minds, to a lesser extent. Most of it can be deduced anyway, as men are less fickle :)

Hmm Raffles Guys are precocious aren't they. I assume they were GEPs :) Mischievous lot, we are.

For an answer to the semen question... Well you'd have to engage in some serious bukkake to get your daily needs. And the man/men'd probably die given the strain. Not even taking into consideration the fact that he/they probably would not be able to produce it fast enough to provide for the, err, nutritional needs of the women.

How many calories are in the average male ejaculation? 16-Nov-1973 - "approximately 2 calories and .1 gram of protein"

Hey Kenneth does tell us a lot. More than most people would :)

Ugly Girl Fetish - I numbered 7 ugly girls in 1 class 1-7.

Well ask around to find out about the depredationsof AC boys ;)

"Jiggling" does not refer to the bouncing of hair! :0

Bah I never said reduction in length of sock = reduction in length of skirt. They could go something like x = 10y.

Girls make too many friendship bands. Then forget about them. Big waste of time, I think. Hmm, killer used to have a friendship band on her ankle. When I asked her, she said it was a friendship band "with herself".


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