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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Friday, October 25, 2002

i must confess that i despise cheerleaders. they and their bimbo ways, the short skirts, the shallow, mascaraed eyes, the shrill flimsy cheers that no one actually pays any attention to. the irony being that our cross country team, both girls' and boys', is probably the only team to win the conference champs this year. probably the only team that'll ever get double champs too. so prissy, they are. i don't think they like us. they've never been to a single one of our meets. IRONY! we're the only team that matches the football team in size, too. ick. talking about them makes me feel catty and flippy-wristed (an anne-ism for bimbotic.)


uh.. well. dancing? dancing to fast beats and loud music.. i'd prefer to be with girls. safer, you could say? you never know what guys are going to do when they get excited. not to diss you or anything, but kids over here can get -pretty- wild. slow dancing is a different subject though.. a bunch of girls slow dancing together doesn't look quite right. or guys, for that matter.

read Grendel by John Gardner. a take on beowulf from the monster's view.

exclaimation marks!!! ? and ANTS!! i'd like to eat chocolate covered ants one day. i'm just a little curious, b/c as far as i remember ants were salty, and chocolate with salt.. hm.

"citizens today know more people than ever before. But they form shallower relationships, not knowing everybody well, but only a select few, whom they hope will be their friends for life." gotta admit that's true for me, though not for most people i know. but then again, do i know them well enough to be able to comment like that? PaRAdOx. i know BEAUCOUP de gens. many people. that is to say i know a lot of people's names, and i can say hi to them and expect a greeting back. but people who i can really talk to, and who know me so well i could say anything and not surprise them.. i don't think i have any of those anymore. i've been in too many different places, been forced to shift too many times, broached trust, got up and left. it's hard to form relationships to last when you don't know if they'll be broken up in a few months. here's the attitude : i am a rock - simon and garfunkel - "i have no need of friendship. friendship causes pain, it's laughter and it's loving. i disdain."

whoa that was personal.


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