nice hair on that dude.
i just found out something rather interesting. and ironic too. some of my friends think i know everybody. when i was in singapore someone told me i was the least "dao" person they ever met. it's interesting because i do know nearly everybody's names and say hi to them when i see them, etc, but it's on a surface level. i couldn't honestly say i have many close friends. but i know a lot of people. it's always fascinating to find out that people have an utterly different view of you than you have of yourself. hum.
the diary thing would work better if everyone was sincere. definitely. otherwise people would read your private thoughts and snigger about them and gossip. what happened to human decency? absence of eveidence isn't evidence of absence, but i really wonder where it's gone.. i never ripped stuff out of my diary. what's the point? it just shows you were embarrassed of your childhood innocence/mindwanderings. i'd rather keep them to laugh at.
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