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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Monday, September 02, 2002

Here's my slow response to the diary issue, sorry that my previous post was repeated. I was trying to post using the school computer and it screwed up. I wonder why I even tried in the first place. Oh wells, enough blabbering...
I could never keep a diary. I had a few of the books meant to be used as diaries; some were really pretty, made up of recycled paper and was bined together with twine and some were the ''cutsy'', cheap ones which you got as a kid with a dodgy silver/gold lock which could be unlocked using most types of wires. Those had an uncanny tendency of being made in china and they came in more useful as a tool to whack my brothers with than something to confide my deep, dark secrets in. Haha.
Somehow, I just never felt like writing in then and when I did, *gasp* have something of signifiance to write it and could be bother to, I would usually tear it out the next time I read it. Haha. Just couldn't bear the utter horror that I could write stuff that was so childish and cliche. Haha
I do however keep a visual diary. Diaries, acutally. They range in size, from A3 to A2, so as to suit my mood and the scale of work. They're great fun. I place almost everything which appeals to me in them, I once tried pulling down this poster over here in aussie to put it in but it was pretty damn well glued to the wall. Oh wells. This is when digicams come in useful. Heh. Oh, does anyone else do art? Aep even?
Kenneth: Hey, scan your photos please! I wanna see them! =] Do your photos have a theme?


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