Oh hell I'll just post the thing.
How Girls Waste Time / The Stupid Things That Girls Do (Renamed at Kairen's behest)
This contribution to militant feminism was started in the latter half 2000 by me for various reasons, among them being boredom, surfeit of time, sheer boliao-ness and disgust at the feminist movement.
Comments / Contributions are most welcome. In fact, they are eagerly encouraged (so I can elaborate, correct and expand on this list).
Disclaimer: However this list may sound, I am neither a MCP nor a misogynist and support, and believe in, gender equality. Also, I condone many of the items listed here and even indulge in some myself (see '100 Reasons Why It's Great To Be Female').
Note: Items here are not mutually exclusive with males, and I believe that males are screwed up as well, albeit in a different way. The second part of the list's name is Kairen's suggestion.
1. On the phone / gossiping / talking
2. makeup and accessories - hair, bodily or other (eg pets, possessions and other people)
3. shopping, especially window (especially for things they don't want, just for the thrill of it - "a man is someone who pays $2 for a $1 item he wants. a woman is someone who pays $1 for a $2 item she doesn't want")
4. sighing or giggling about crushes / doing other requisite things with sighing - 6 hours compared to guys' 5 minutes for the works / writing stories involving them & their crushes
5. hair (includes blowjobs on wet/dry hair and styling, playing and accessorising, cutting it whenever they undergo emotional change / trauma)
6. nails (manicure, filing, embossing, painting with horrid colours, buffing)
7. shaving (or other forms of hair removal - waxing, tweezing, hair removal cream or laser), especially regretful when not done thoroughly, leaving 'shadow'
8. reading the surfeit of redundant, gushy, sex-obsessed, overpriced and soppy girly and self-improvement magazines on the market
9. daydreaming (aka fantasising)
10. "cute" stuff (real or contrived) - including dolls, origami, soft toys and fads (Tare Panda - on drugs and squashed by a steamroller, Hello Kitty - no mouth, Powerpuff Girls - sickly 'sweet' voices reminiscent of the smell of decaying flesh, Qoo drink's mascot - one ear, Disgusting Chick [Groovy Chick] stationery etc...)
11. colour coding / decorating things (esp those with obsessive compulsive disorder) - writing their names on their notes in fanciful fonts / Doodling / vandalising friends' notes with flowers etc / sparkles on handphone screens?
12. irc/icq/chat/other internet communication
13. long baths / long times in bathrooms, in addition to long changing times
14. little notes on sparkly perfumed light purple paper with fluorescent pink ink
15. perfecting printed handwriting (usually small / invisible) / writing in 'cute' font (or 6 different colours and pen tip sizes)
16. silly jokes/antics on guys (even other girls)
17. giggling / laughing at nothing / squealing (sometimes like small girls) (even over vegetables?) / yelping / screaming / shrieking (eg playing ball games - when they catch/throw the ball, when the ball comes near/almost hits them, when insects come near) / jumping up and down
18. ogling "cute" guys (often squealing) - In NJC, bored girls rate guys coming out of the toilets : '0', '10', '-5,', 'hopeless'. Sometimes, if they're bored they say the ratings out loud so the guys can hear / admiring other girls
19. comparing br****s, legs, hips, butts, waistlines and figures
20. romance novels (giving girls false ideas about sex and love, leading to future disappointment and pain, and making them extremely screwed up)
21. looking in the mirror
22. "nice" stuff as gifts for others which invariably takes a long time to make
23. Extended periods of time locked in the bedroom performing unspeakable acts
24. Being fussy with food / destroying their digestive systems - being anorexic (3 fishballs for a meal!?), protein diet, prolonged detox, bingeing, sharing portions of food meant for 1 person with 1 or 2 other anorexic girls, eating very often but very little each time, starving themselves for months at a time and then pigging out during sleepovers
25. Beautification - real or psychological (exfoliating scrub, toner, blue tracing paper, face/skin lightening cream, facials, nail polish)
26. Cooking (often not finishing the food)
27. Holding hands while waving and skipping / bouncing / bounding around
28. Whining / worrying that they're fat / they look fat / they have a big butt (almost always without cause) and professing to be willing to enter Obedience School (BMT) to shed the 23kg that I did, regardless of the horrors of it
28. a) Whining / worrying that they're ugly
29. Sparkle / milky / scented pens (sometimes with weird things attached to the end) / glitter
30. Deciding what to wear (esp considering outfit + shoes)
31. Spending enormous amounts of time in front of music shops gazing at posters of the latest "cute" Jap singer
32. Devising lists to contribute to militant chauvinism / other acts against the dominant "oppressive" social order / being chauvinist
33. Spending hours in their rooms struggling with a needle and thread trying to raise the hem of their school skirt
34. Acting cute (often failing, sometimes grossing people out) eg making baby noises, pouting, posing etc
35. Taking [more than 10] personality (or other emotional evaluation) tests / evaluating their psyche / going for therapy and/or psychoanalysis
36. Fashion [disasters] (butt-hugging, butt-cheek-revealing hot shorts!!!, very short, ankle or even heel revealing hot socks, midriff baring outfits, especially when they are chubby, all manner of garish coloured outfits, appalingly coloured/designed sports bras, those horrible head scarfs [bandanas], ghastly accessories).
37. Gushing over "touching" and/or "romantic" (read: mushy) stuff
38. Games involving co-operation, co-ordination and/or clapping (Eg: Strawberry Shortcake)
39. Compulsive photo-taking / photo-sticker disorder (even in buses?! [2S06A'01], Andrew Gan eating a sundae pie), exchanging pictures
40. Touching / pulling / hugging / leading each other
41. Queuing for the toilet / Forever freshening up (often together with other girls in toilet outings, waiting for everyone to be done before leaving and doing dumb things like splashing water and mashing toilet paper to throw on the ceilings)
42. Obsessing over trivialities (and getting angry over minor perceived transgressions) / being overly sensitive / petty
43. Talking about / Shopping for extra clothes to fill the already burgeoning closet(s) / shoes to topple the overloaded shoe racks
44. Drawing up elaborate lists detailing their "ideal" man and exchanging them with other similarly emotionally disturbed girls.
45. Being racked with indecision, vacillating constantly
46. Writing notes to people they already talk to (and/or see) everyday, often on the free postcards
47. Hugging files to their bosoms tightly (sometimes closing their eyes and shaking to and fro when they think no one is looking)
48. Practicing inane actions that they think make them attractive to boys, eg. Blinking, fluttering eyelids, batting eyelashs, sucking in their cheeks, swaying their hips
49. Breaking down inexplicably / "happy also cry, sad also cry"
50. Being squeamish over the littlest things
51. Boybands (ogling, fantasising, singing their songs, making fun of them [for those not totally caught up])
52. Taking forever to eat/finish up in the toilet
53. coming up with and struggling to keep to diet plans
54. Dotting their 'i's and 'j's with hearts and circles
55. Carrying around a surfeit of stationery - eg 30 of the funny highlighter pens with a marker on one side, and a pen on the other.
56. Naming/giving life to their stuff
57. Talking / complaining about their periods (according to Melvin)
58. Talking about virginity and also on the subject of losing it - when (also according to Melvin) (confirmed by a girl)
59. Talking about guys
60. Getting presents for people for the most trivial reasons / occasions
61. Playing with each other's hair (RJ canteen, some J2s - 1 person, 3 stylers, 4 spectators, all 8 girls, braiding 2 pigtails)
62. In RGS, the girls watch sunrises through school windows
63. Carrying around [miniscule] [hand]bags which can barely hold anything
64. Fretting about their looks (often unwarranted)
65. Playing the guessing game, leading to mutual hurt, distrust and vituperation:
A: I'm pissed with you
B: What's wrong?
A: If you don't know what's wrong, I shan't tell you!
66. Discussing weird stuff eg whether they sleep naked
67. Attaching bells or other things to their bags or ankles
68. Hurting themselves when they're stressed, dumped or bored (pricking, cutting and the like)
69. Talking about those inanely pervasive soap(opera)s. The type that can get really confusing if you don't watch them.
70. Faking cramps (for some)
71. Being kiddy
72. Acting Bimbo
73. Fawning over babies / animals
74. Quarelling/catfight/"friendly bickering" over stupid pens
75. Moving in pairs (sometimes packs)
76. Getting green eyed when they see a prettier girl
77. Reading/watching Yaoi (and other sorts of manga and anime) and writting fan fiction and drawing fan art (This entry is specifically dedicated to Yaoi Girl :) )
78. Nagging persistently (exemplified by most grandmothers and mothers)
79. Trying to matchmake their friends
With thanks to those who contributed
Johann, Yunxin, Clarisse, Loraine, Andrew, Kenneth, Shawn, Geraldine, Melvin Tay Poh Huat, Liying, Grace, Jiamin, Petrina et al, and several who choose to remain anonymous :)
Comments on "How Girls Waste Time":
1. 1) why is breasts asterisked?
2) i like girls. girls are nice. shaddup.
2. Neat, um, list. Mostly true.
3. your basic premise is flawed. its not a waste of time, because they are consuming products and thus spurring the development of the economy. if all these pple were conscripted, the defence budget would increase, with no significant effect on other countries because they are girls.
4. the day u make love to a woman with hairy legs is the day u wish u never made that list.
5. i think girls are adorable.
6. Good grief. I hope you aren't talking about all girls, as I wear: a) whatever I find on my floor in the morning, b) some long shirt that I've had for five + years, and the same pair of jeans. (Which I -do- wash, so ha..) I hate any paper that isn't normal smelling, and sparkly pens give me a headache to read them. Don't have a boyfriend, don't want one, spend
my time running and/or playing videogames. Otherwise sadly, you've got it right. >.<
7. In my experience, girls are very much like boys until the age of about 11 or 12, when they develop the symptoms as described on your webpage ;)
8. what's wrong! it's fun okay. well. *most* of it. and it's better than being a smelly boy what~ :P
9. (On comparing br****s) never thought they do that... funky
10. i read that today......but just a glimpse.....now that i look through slowly it's really quite funny.
11. how can u say that abt girls! dun pretend u dun like girls ok!!!!!
12. oh please..get a life..if you are trying to be sexist around here....please noe dat it is so totally spastic...why dun you spend more time finding better things to do with den critisizing gerZ....dUh...
13. they treat their friends so important and overrate their girlfriends... and they think that if anything happened to them, their girlfriends wld be the 1st to their rescue and they pay too much goddamn attention to their shitty little "friendship matters" on the other hand those who pay attention to guys are generally sluts and deserve a good sodomizing.....; either way, they are damn screwed up
14. it's stupid to obsess abt what we do also lah! cos you won't understand us, we won't understand you. men are from mars, women are from venus and all tt crap - capiche?
15. Interesting. So you didn't waste time doing this did you.
16. SO TROOO!!! =)
17. *giggle* *giggle*
18. THANK YOU FOR MAKING ALL THE SISSY GIRLS OUT THERE LOOK STUPID AND ALL YOU CHICKS WHO CAN'T DEAL WITH IT TO BAD IT'S NOT THEIR FAULTS YOU ARE ALL STUPID (the only bad part is I somehow got stuck being a stupid stereotyped phemonine girl)... Yeah, you'd complain to if you got a period once month for a whole week and had to wear evil torture devices for it!!!!
19. "The Stupid Things Girls Do?" What the hell? I'm sorry that everything people find amusing is "stupid" by your book but we've got to find some way to spend our lives, huh? And if girls didn't blow-dry their hair (which would probably result in a lot of colds in the winter) and didn't work out, you'd probably be equally appalled so I guess there's just no pleasing you. And what's "stupid" about making gifts for friends or writing in sparkly pens? Is that as "stupid" as guys playing soccer or drinking beer or some other stereotypical masculine activity? What is truly "stupid" is that this list was ever created. (And this is coming from a stereotypical tomboy, before you say anything.)
20. boys waste time?
yea they wasting time by dating girls
21. girls use all thos crappy pens - the sparkly ones that are often fluro green
the one that is REALLY stupid is using circles and love hearts for dotting i's and j's
this thing is soooo right, and most girls do have shit for brains
22. [On comlaining about periods] Yes, but only like "why must it be during Lit?"
33. raise the hem of my skirt? i've been trying to LOWER mine.
23. [Scribbled on the printout of this list on TS20, RJC]
? -> !! (between #4 & 5)
males. males ARE nothing (below 17)
see #13 (beside 23)
if we didn't, you'd starve (beside 26)
RAISE? i'M TRYING TO LOWER IT!! (below 33)
NO BADGE (below 47)
various 'i's dotted with hearts (54 to 55)
24. what a f**king stupid site
so bloody chauvanistic
i could spend 10mins coming up with a list of 1000 stupid things guys do...
face it, guys and girls are equal..for the guyz who came up with dis site, u can spend the rest of ur bo liao lives alone, for the butch of comment 18, u can go for a sex change and go to hell.(u oso hav CB wat, dun nehow cum and sae us gers)
25. i love girls! im in 7th grade and have 5 girlfriends. it all atters on if their hot or not. also popularity.
I also like french kissin'.
26. Girls and guys both do stupid things, but a girl's the other half of a guy, and vicey versey. As a guy, I'm pretty damn pissed off at you trashing girlyness. Chantilly lace, and a pretty face, and a pony tail, all hangin down, and a wiggle when you walk, and a giggle when you walk; Aww baby that's a what I LIKE!
27. we so do not watch sunrises from 0ur window!
28. ur 'stupid things tt girls do' list is v amusing. some of it is true tho:p
29. broad based survey my ass! it seems that you've confined the study to a typical Singaporean Ah Lian ... with only about 3 or 4 applying to ALL women.. :P
Responding to the various pts:
1.guys are impatient
2.girls love themselves more than guys do
3. girls like to pamper themselves, but save $$ at the same time
4. girls spend more time reviewing about what they have been doing, in order not to make the same mistakes again
5. oh they do? how come i dunnoe............ some extra vain pple you are toking bout here...
6. we treasure and cherish our body parts, making them look as beautiful as possible
7. girls love themsleves
8.dont guys read playboy mag. secretly, and squander their $$ on soccer mags??
9. not all, mind you
10. NOT ALL, mind you............. including me, as a girl, in this catogory is an insult to me
11. no comment
12. dont guys chat using internet too? --- for hours too?
13.you should check out how long vain guys or celebrities take to finish their baths
14. again, not all do that.......... the pple the authors research on must be some ****
15. are you envious?
16. oh~ so guys dont have their own yellow r-rated jokes eh
17. hello? im a girl and howcome i dont laugh at nothing???
18......... how many times must i tell you : not all girls do that -- i DONT!!
19......... bitches............ all bitches are girls but not all girls are bitches
20. yah yah yah.... seems like the authors have narrow thinking....... and most probably are frogs in the well... girls read alot more than just romance stories......
21.wha bout guys bringing some stupid ah-beng orange comb with them every second??
22. dont you realise how sincere we are when sending gifts to pple? you should praise us!
23. wha bout horny guys? horny guys make up a huge population of men
24. ........ that is never me........... understand? and i am a girl!
25. that is because ad. also uses female models and thus men feel stupid using the products............. also, it is conventionally weird for guys to use those products......... and again............ we girls love ourselves
26. i cant cook, and so do all my friends.
27. that sound like an idoltic alien to me
28. they love to be in perfect state at all times, iznt that good?
29. so what? not all pple fancy those
30. this is because we have a much wider choice of such things than guys... and we would not want to go out of the door in ugly colour combinations, girls are careful pple, understand?
31. how come i dont remember doing that??
32. ive never even thought of doing that!!!
33........... okie......... wha bout guys standing infornt of the mirror for HOURS trying to gel their stupid frenge up??
34........NOT ALL PPLE DO THAT EXCUSE ME??? this is an utter insult to me.....
35.........okie......... i do take personality tests, but that is because i want to know more about myself so that i know what to do or what i can do in the future. is there anithing wrong with that??
36. ......... wha a nonsensical assumption
37. girls are simply more sensitve pple. maybe i should come up with a list....... saying how insensitive guys are......
38. ???
39.well, i would like to think that that is because they like to capture the scenes as eternal memories....... honestly, im dont take photographs frantically
40. that is what i mean by very good friends........ it that a waste of time too?? are you envious that we have such goood friends??
41. did i mention that girls love themselves, they hate to portray a flaw in front of somebody?
42. oh......... this would go to pple who are scared of EVERYTHING...... that is definitely not me
43.........i dont think im fit to be a girl in that case........
44. hahhaaa, that sounds like wha i do in primary school~ well, does this bother you?so....... guys dont waste time by fighting with his peers?
45. you are a frog in a well, i pity you.
46. well, i can only sae that girls do that , maybe, for the fun of it.......
47. HUH?? are you toking bout those 70s 80s conservative but somewha bitchy school girls? we dont take that now!!
48. WHAT?!? hey...his list is getting more and MORE ridiculous! this is an insult to me, once again.
49. i repeat, girls are simply more sensitive, you cant blame them/us
50............. are the authors prejudiced against girls as a whole? Do they ever realise that doing so will only show that they are ever so immature in handling this kind of assumptions 'cause they are sooo UNTRUE!!!!
ARgh...... wha a list.................
And a fuller rebuttal:
Here is Gabriel Seah's list on how girls waste their time. Watch me comment here and there :) After going through the whole list. I realised guys just don't appreciate the small things of life. Life isn't all that simple as they make it out. Same reasons why girl pals are much closer than guy pals.
Items marked with * are things that Jeth does. (really. which leads to the inevitable conclusion about his sexuality. grin.)
Before we start. Let me present MY list of how guys waste their time. Or rather. Spend all their time.
How Boys Spend All their Time
1. Surfing porn.
How girls waste their time by Gabriel Seah :
*1. On the phone / gossiping / talking
2. makeup and accessories - hair, bodily or other (eg pets, possessions and other people)
*3. shopping, especially window (especially for things they don't want, just for the thrill of it - "a man is someone who pays $2 for a $1 item he wants. a woman is someone who pays $1 for a $2 item she doesn't want")
*4. sighing about crushes / doing other requisite things with sighing - 6 hours compared to guys' 5 minutes for the works
*5. hair (includes blowjobs on wet/dry hair and styling, playing and accessorising, cutting it whenever they undergo emotional change / trauma)
6. nails (manicure, filing, embossing, painting with horrid colours)
Me: Yeah right? How do we do that when our nails are supposed to remain short. Thanks to dictatorial schools.
*7. shaving (or other forms of hair removal - waxing, tweezing, hair removal cream or laser), especially regretful when not done thoroughly, leaving 'shadow'
Me: Guys shave too :) Everyone should shave. Makes you look better.
*8. reading the surfeit of redundant, gushy, sex-obsessed, overpriced and soppy girly and self-improvement magazines on the market
Me: Yes it helps us recognize your lack of sexual talent
*9. daydreaming (aka fantasising)
Me: Guys? Oh yeah I forgot they just surf porn. No time for fantasizing.
*10. "cute" stuff (real or contrived) - including dolls, origami, soft toys and fads (Tare Panda - on drugs and squashed by a steamroller, Hello Kitty - no mouth, Powerpuff Girls - sickly 'sweet' voices reminiscent of the smell of decaying flesh, Qoo drink's mascot - one ear, Disgusting Chick [Groovy Chick] stationery etc...)
*11. colour coding / decorating things (esp those with obsessive compulsive disorder) - writing their names on their notes in fanciful fonts / Doodling / vandalising friends' notes with flowers etc / sparkles on handphone screens?
*12. irc/icq/chat/other internet communication
*13. long baths / long times in bathrooms, in addition to long changing times
14. little notes on sparkly perfumed light purple paper with fluorescent pink ink
****15. perfecting printed handwriting (usually small / invisible) / writing in 'cute' font (or 6 different colours and pen tip sizes)
*16. silly jokes/antics on guys (even other girls)
*17. giggling / laughing at nothing / squealing (sometimes like small girls) (even over vegetables?) / yelping / screaming / shrieking (eg playing ball games - when they catch/throw the ball, when the ball comes near/almost hits them, when insects come near) / jumping up and down
*18. ogling "cute" guys (often squealing) - In NJC, bored girls rate guys coming out of the toilets : '0', '10', '-5,', 'hopeless'. Sometimes, if they're bored they say the ratings out loud so the guys can hear / admiring other girls
*19. comparing br****s, legs, hips, butts, waistlines and figures
Me: Guys just grab 'em.
*20. romance novels (giving girls false ideas about sex and love and making them harbour unrealistic fantasises about true love and soulmates, leading to future disappointment and pain, and making them extremely screwed up)
Me: You're just jealous you can't multiple orgasm
*21. looking in the mirror
22. "nice" stuff as gifts for others which invariably takes a long time to make
*23. Extended periods of time locked in the bedroom performing unspeakable acts
Me: Like what? Shaving? personally. I take 5 minutes to bathe and dress. I guess i'm like. uh. the exception or something.
24. Being fussy with food / destroying their digestive systems - being anorexic (3 fishballs for a meal!?), protein diet, prolonged detox, bingeing, sharing portions of food meant for 1 person with 1 or 2 other anorexic girls, eating very often but very little each time, starving themselves for months at a time and then pigging out during sleepovers
Me: Bingeing
*25. Beautification - real or psychological (exfoliating scrub, toner, blue tracing paper, face/skin lightening cream, facials, nail polish, pore packs)
Me: Then where do you expect to get your pretty girls? You selfish guys
*26. Cooking (often not finishing the food)
Me: Okay go marry some girl who can't cook (E.g. me) and then eat macs the whole time.
*27. Holding hands while waving and skipping / bouncing / bounding around
*28. Whining / worrying that they're fat / they look fat / they have a big butt (almost always without cause)
Me: guys whine about their birdies. Na they boast about them.
*29. Sparkle / milky / scented pens (sometimes with weird things attached to the end) / glitter
*30. Deciding what to wear (esp considering outfit + shoes)
Me: We don't want to look like boys.
*31. Spending enormous amounts of time in front of music shops gazing at posters of the latest "cute" Jap singer
Me: UGGUHgghghhghg. JAP? gross.
32. Devising lists to contribute to militant chauvinism / other acts against the dominant "oppressive" social order / being chauvinist
Me: here's a brilliant example
33. Spending hours in their rooms struggling with a needle and thread trying to raise the hem of their school skirt
Me: Really?
*34. Acting cute (often failing, sometimes grossing people out) eg making baby noises, pouting, posing etc
Me: For some girls it just comes naturally.
*35. Taking [more than 10] personality (or other emotional evaluation) tests / evaluating their psyche / going for therapy and/or psychoanalysis
Me: Least we don't come up with inane lists
*36. Fashion [disasters] (butt-hugging, butt-cheek-revealing hot shorts!!!, very short, ankle or even heel revealing hot socks, midriff baring outfits, especially when they are chubby, all manner of garish coloured outfits, appalingly coloured/designed sports bras, those horrible head scarfs [bandanas], ghastly accessories).
*37. Gushing over "touching" and/or "romantic" (read: mushy) stuff
38. Games involving co-operation / co-ordination
Me: What wHAAAAt?
39. Compulsive photo-taking / photo-sticker disorder (even in buses?! [2S06A'01], Andrew Gan eating a sundae pie), exchanging pictures
Me: No :P We don't bring cmaeras around 24/7
*40. Touching / pulling / hugging / leading each other
Me: Physical bonding.
*41. Queuing for the toilet / Forever freshening up (often together with other girls in toilet outings, waiting for everyone to be done before leaving and doing dumb things like splashing water and mashing toilet paper to throw on the ceilings)
Me: Hey. Water splashing's fun. Guys do it too.
*42. Obsessing over trivialities (and getting angry over minor perceived transgressions) / being overly sensitive / petty
Me: This i agree on.
*43. Talking about / Shopping for extra clothes to fill the already burgeoning closet(s) / shoes to topple the overloaded shoe racks
Me: Variety variety
*44. Drawing up elaborate lists detailing their "ideal" man and exchanging them with other similarly emotionally disturbed girls.
Me: Guys just need a big rack. And it's settled.
*45. Being racked with indecision, vacillating constantly
Me: At least we're flippant about *important* things. Guys are just indecisive over which lousy soccer team they support.
46. Writing notes to people they already talk to (and/or see) everyday, often on the free postcards
Me: Uhm. hM. yes true. I've got a little collection upstairs.
47. Hugging files to their bosoms tightly (sometimes closing their eyes and shaking to and fro when they think no one is looking)
Me: Yeah I wonder about that too. It's a natural action I think.
*48. Practicing inane actions that they think make them attractive to boys, eg. Blinking, fluttering eyelids, batting eyelashs, sucking in their cheeks, swaying their hips
Me: Just because you're gay Gabriel Seah...
49. Breaking down inexplicably / "happy also cry, sad also cry"
Me: Hormones. Different kind of hormones.
*50. Being squeamish over the littlest things
Me: Yes. I can't understand this either. But I know a guy when he was 16, ran to his parents room screaming when he saw a roach. 2 guys infact.
*51. Boybands (ogling, fantasising, singing their songs, making fun of them [for those not totally caught up])
Me: I agree on this. Girls are disgusting when ogling over boybands. Ugh. Thank goodness I don't belong here. Hm. Guys do it too. Yes. Everyone does it. Damn those boybands
*52. Taking forever to eat/finish up in the toilet
Me: WELL. HAH. Shall not go on to discuss the difficulties of having a female body.
53. coming up with and struggling to keep to diet plans
Me: Least we dont' take protein supplements
*54. Dotting their 'i's and 'j's with hearts and circles
Me: You just read too much Baby sitters club
*55. Carrying around a surfeit of stationery - eg 30 of the funny highlighter pens with a marker on one side, and a pen on the other.
Me: Yeah that's because you don't have a stationary eating monster in class.
*56. Naming/giving life to their stuff
Me: We like to call it "Playing God."
57. Talking / complaining about their periods
Me: Kind of equates to complaining about NS.
*58. Talking about virginity and also on the subject of losing it
Me: At least we don't lose it to our hands.
*59. Talking about guys
Me: Guys: Talking about girls/sex
60. Getting presents for people for the most trivial reasons / occasions
Me: Yeah. Somehow guys never do this.
Which explains why so many of you are getting dumped
61. Playing with each other's hair (RJ canteen, some J2s - 1 person, 3 stylers, 4 spectators, all 8 girls, braiding 2 pigtails)
Me: Just because guys are sore about not being able to plait their hair..
62. In RGS, the girls watch sunrises through school windows
Me: In nanyang, girls just sleep on their desks. Crazy RGS girls.
63. Carrying around [miniscule] [hand]bags which can barely hold anything
Me: Rather than stuffing every damn thing into our pockets. Unlike guys, large bulges in the lower region doesn't signify superiority.
*64. Fretting about their looks (often unwarranted)
65. Playing the guessing game, leading to mutual hurt, distrust and vituperation:
A: I'm pissed with you
B: What's wrong?
A: If you don't know what's wrong, I shan't tell you!
Me: Girls.. *shakes head*
*66. Discussing weird stuff eg whether they sleep naked
Me: We don't sleep naked. Unlike guys.
*67. Attaching bells or other things to their bags or ankles
68. Hurting themselves when they're stressed, dumped or bored (pricking, cutting and the like)
Me: NO WAY. Maybe like over eating. Yeah
*69. Talking about those inanely pervasive soap(opera)s. The type that can get really confusing if you don't watch them.
Me: Like zhen qing?
70. Faking cramps (for some)
Me: Hm.
71. Being kiddy
*72. Acting Bimbo
Me: No the bimbo people. ARE bimbo.
*73. Fawning over babies / animals
74. Quarelling/catfight/"friendly bickering" over stupid pens
Me:Not just pens you know.
*75. Moving in pairs (sometimes packs)
Me: We're superior social mammals.
76. Getting green eyed when they see a prettier girl
Me: That's the fault of you males. If you weren't so picky and choosy over how we look.
79. Trying to matchmake their friends
Me: Don't deny it! You enjoy our matchmaking.
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