does everything taste like chicken, or does chicken tastle like everything?
tomboy isn't a gender, i'll agree with you there. but who's to interpret everything exactly? snake is good stuf. croc is stringy.
here's a 55-fiction story on everybody's favorite topic.
The Wish. Ross Parsons.
The evening glow behind the fog faded as the two walked the almost deserted beach.
"I'll never understand women."
"Do you really want to?"
"Yes, I do. I truly do."
"Oh, all right."
She whispered into his ear; understanding crystallized in his eyes like broken glass.
He ran screaming into the night.
isn't this blog practically all girls? why don't we make a list on all the stupid things boys do? or is it not worth it?
aye, those don't apply to all girls. i wouldn't even venture to say most girls. talking is trickytricky. you never know how other people may take what you say. shopping is usually a horrific taste of time. or do they do it for exercise; the walking around, hopping in and out of stores? hair. hair!? the last time i talked about hair, i asked my mother whether i could get a mohawk when i got to college. or at least chop most of it off. if you look at most rgs girls, their hair is quite short, especially the bballers. nails - you forgot to include chewing. what are cuticles? i keep hearing them mentioned. you're right about shaving, but do't guys do that even more often than us? the only hair removal i've ever had to bear with in my almost 15 years is chopping. magazines full of skimpily dressed girls whose bodies are evaluated and envied; articles of twaddle and esteem depression surveys. what's wrong with daydreaming? how about zoning out? staring at trees? the sky? oh, why don't people wave through their windows on the highway? not the ones driving, though. it's an immensely entertaining past-time, especially if you have a soft-toy handy. i recommend it. pink. i dislike pink. jokes and antics are what the world needs. lighten up! make fun! live! you're right about the insects. i'm glad you put it right after the jokes/antics point, because one of my favorite past-times is picking up ants and spiders to put on other girls. my favorite thing is a four-letter f-word. food. my only complaint being that i got that quote from a guy. eat to live or live to eat? why be picky? when i was in brownies, they used to call me the bottomless hole because the sissies at my table and the next table over couldn't finish their steamed fish, among other things. i helped, to say the least. my family teaches not to waste food. cooking is a noble employment of time. my youngest brother is very into cooking. most of what my middle brother does is slightly chaota, but it works. aye, i don't fancy going through this entire list. most people are full of twaddle, if you ask me. so why bother analyzing twaddle of certain groups and not getting to other ones? i am going to sleep. i shall dream about chopping up crabs tonight, with the yellowy green brain-intestinal matter glooping about. lovely.
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