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Ariella~ - Balderdash - Hobbit! Daphne

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

hullo xing, this is bao en..... :D
i do not watch soccer/football!
i know nothing about soccer/football!!
amazing yeah? haha. ha.

The Goober was beautiful when he ran. His long arms and legs moved flowingly and flawlessly, his body floating as if his feet weren't touching the ground. When he ran, he forgot about his acne and his awkwardness and the shyness that paralysed him when a girl looked his way. Even his thoughts became sharper, and things were simple and uncomplicated- he could solve maths problems when he ran or memorise football play patterns. Often he rose early in the morning, before anyone else, and poured himself liquid through the sunrise streets, and everything seemed beautiful, everything in its proper orbit, nothing impossible, the entire world attainable.

When he ran, he even loved the pain, the hurt of the running, the burning in his lungs and the spasms that sometimes gripped his calves. He loved it because he knew he could endure the pain, and even go beyond it. He had never pushed himself to the limit but he felt all this reserve strength inside of him: more than strength, actually-determination. And it sang in him as he ran, his blood pumping blood joyfully through his body. He'd gone out for football and there was a good feeling when he caught one of Jerry Renault's passes and outran everybody for a score. But it was the running he loved. The neighbours would see him waterfalling down High Street, carried by the momentum of his speed, and they'd cry out, "Going for the Olympics, Goob?" Or, "Got your eye on the world record, Goob?" And on he'd run, floating, flowing.

- The Chocolate War, Robert Cormier

(neutralise football/soccer fever as much as possible.)


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